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And because of another reasons (i.e. firewall, bound only to loopback) you want to have that port in your computer. This is possible thanks to the -R and -L ssh flags. The syntax for both -R and -L are the same but the concept is different. -L “brings” a remote port to your device. -R “brings” a local port to a remote server.
In your screen session, start udp2raw running like this: udp2raw -s -l -r -k "5EJBxa78v50znIovSxkTnAZDPU7VYrdp" --raw-mode faketcp The parameters are: -s means server mode -l is the local (i.e. incoming) IP:port -r is the remote (i.e. destination) IP:port -k gives the password --raw-mode can be faketcp (the default), (encrypted) udp , or icmp 1.8.
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Two Personal Perspectives, by Walter L. Williams 5. Intergenerational Relationships in Java and Thailand, by Walter L. Williams 6. Blinded by Science: A Critique of Rind's Views on Pederasty, by Richard D.
CVSREADONLYFS Permit checkout from a read-only repository. Implies -l . See also -R , above. CVSROOT When set, this variable should contain the string pointing to the root directory of the CVS repository.
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