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Elon Musk, hailed by MAGA supporters as the “Champion of Free Speech”, reminded the world today that he owns everyone’s X account, as his attorneys filed a claim in court today stating that The Onion, which is trying to purchase the media empire of Alex Jones, cannot take control of Alex Jones and the Infowars Twitter/X accounts, because Elon Musk and X own everyone’s account on the social media platform, and not the users who created those accounts.
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. ^ King Idris as-Senussi of Libya (1890–1983), a remarkable leader who outlived his own time. Libya in the 19th century was the center of a trans-continental political-religious movement, the Senusiya. As was periodically the case in Islamic Africa, reformist Sufi movements like the Senusiya spread along the trade routes from Mecca into the Sahara, acting as missionaries for the spread of Islamic practice among the diverse Berber-Arabs and Blacks.
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Then, one week later, the apocalypse was unleashed. I had to give up all my activities to work in a primary care center in chaotic and precarious conditions. My generation has been very fortunate to not have experienced a war in first person. The circumstances made the work as close as possible to a battlefield as I can imagine.
Riight, inc and riight.com. all rights reserved (link) . MND, one of the top 75 most popular right-of-center websites for 2007 (link) . Online Opinion is a professional Australian e-journal: "Articles are gathered from a variety of independent sources" (link) .
Avec l’affaire que vous évoquez, nous avons assisté à une « montée en gamme », si j’ose dire, de l’ultra gauche. »  [ 7 ] En 2001, avec les attentats du World Trade Center, l’État réactualise le profil issu de la répression des luttes anti-coloniales de l’immigré·e dangereux·se. Ce sont à nouveau tou·tes les musulman·nes qui sont une menace potentielle pour les États occidentaux.
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