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If civilians in Gaza are starving, which I believe they are based on all available information, then the fault lies squarely with Hamas, who continues to steal virtually all aid that enters the Gaza Strip and use it to further their violent and genocidal agenda. TL;DR: Link to unverifiable story with no sources, and a blood libel. Great stuff /s MysticDaedra @fedia.io to Europe @feddit.de • EU must cut ties with Israel to prevent Gaza genocide - UN rapporteur · 9 months ago deleted by...
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I want to buy ads on RAINBOW MARKET Contact us at [email protected] Do you have any alternative URLs? No we have this only working link . Our mission is to make a deal safe for both buyer and vendor. RAINBOW MARKET staff do not sell anything on this website. The purpose of this service is providing a Multisig Escrow service as well as providinga list of vendors with their products and reviews.