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This psychological thriller film, directed by François Ozon, tells the story of a British crime novelist who travels to her publisher’s home in the south of France to work on her new novel and becomes embroiled in a complex web of secrets and lies after she befriends the publisher’s young daughter. Mystery and suspense peak in Swimming Pool. And Charlotte Rampling shines in this perfect weed film. 4 – Midsommar (2019) What about some folk horror?
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Se você tem interesse, ou tem contato com organizações que possam ajudar, por favor nos envie um email contato@br2016.mini.debconf.org Divulgação Ajude a divulgar a Mini-DebConf Curitiba 2016 usando um dos nossos banners web . PgDay Curitiba - 03 de março de 2016 Para quem gosta de PostgreSQL, na mesma semana da Mini-DebConf Curitiba 2016 acontecerá mais uma edição do PGDay em Curitiba.