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Structure and Interpretation of Computer Programs introduces Streams as an analogue of lists, to support delayed evaluation. In brief, the inductive list type (a list is either an empty list or a head element pre-pended to another list) is replaced with a structure with a head element and a promise which, when evaluated, will generate the tail (which in turn may have a head element and a...
Your order is being processed, please wait... This process might take a while. News | Payments | Terms of Service | PGP | Canary | Contact TOR Link: nicevpsvzo5o6mtvvdiurhkemnv7335f74tjk42rseoj7zdnqy44mnqd.onion hPanel v2.4.47b-prod (c) NiceVPS Server Time: 2024-12-19 05:44:13 (GMT+0100) UI Theme dark light BEWARE: We do NOT allow any kind of illegal activity.
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Møller Holding A/S (chairman); Maersk Broker A/S (chairman); Maersk Broker K/S (chairman); Estemco A/S (chairman). Maersk family is a Danish family although Ane and Robert can have Swedish citizenship and address, but the company is also Danish based, with a HQ in Copenhagen.
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Ricordo il comodino di mio padre con ciao2001 e gong. I pomeriggi a casa del mio amico passati a leggere, ognuno per sé, tuttifrutti. Quando la carta stampata è praticamente scomparsa dalla mia vita sono scomparsi anche gli svariati abbonamenti a riviste musicali che avevo, fino a quattro contemporanei.
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