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ITT we post Western mainstream media which show socialism in an unexpectedly positive light or have unusually sharp critique of capitalists. >The Adventures of Jimmy Neutron, Boy Genius — Krunch Time (2002) In the opening scene, there are two clips where there is a clearly visible Soviet hammer and sickle on the label of an opened box in the background, with some unreadable text.
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Er drehte ein Bein leicht nach au ß en. " Aaahhhh … " Das verursachte einen Schmerz, den Mark nicht ausweichen konnte. " Zick nich rum … Ich hab dich ersteigert und damit Basta, " sagte der Mann. Onkel Karl schaltete sich nun ein " Bleib ruhig und es geht schneller vorbei, als du denkst. " Mark schaute hilfesuchend zu seinem Cousin, doch Sebastian grinste nur und filmte die ganze Szene.
La cacería de ' Nóos ' 20 feb 2017 Por Jesusmarana Tras dedicar un par de días a bucear en la sentencia del caso Nóos y en los numerosos análisis sobre la misma entran unas ganas terribles de gritar ¡basta! Aquí la única « cacería » que se ha producido es la del dinero público de los contribuyentes. Hamon y su « nueva izquierda » sacan a Valls de la lucha por la presidencia de Francia 30 ene 2017 Por Irene Casado Miembro del ala más reaccionaria del Partido Socialista, ha superado durante...
This scenario has been predicted and the decline of bitcoin has already started. Some genius (completely anonymous) have developped a solution based on bitcoin and able to bypass mining pools, centralization and censorship.
Forse c’era troppa “emozione” (e forse troppo gioco su questa) nel voler sempre e comunque ricordare i componenti scomparsi ma anche i “bei tempi andati” di quella musica: d’altra parte il concerto era nella città di origine e gran parte del pubblico era lì anche per ricordare insieme. Bello ma anche basta per quanto mi riguarda. [2024-08-07 mer] Super Bad all’Ultravox    Concerti   Musica   Recensioni Evidentemente per me questa è l’estate delle cascine ed in particolare dell’Ultravox.
Trump-Putin Relationship Trump has expressed admiration for authoritarian Russian President Vladimir Putin, called the Kremlin leader’s preinvasion tactics “genius,” and has repeatedly criticized NATO’s European allies for not spending more on collective defense. Republican lawmakers in the House of Representative who are closely aligned with Trump blocked Biden's $61 billion aid package for Ukraine for months, leaving Ukraine’s force short on ammunition and air defense.
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That is a death blow to the Federal Reserve System. President Trump is a genius. And I think that the people who put the hit out on him are the people who own controlling shares in the 13 Federal Reserve Banks in the United States.
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