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Today we celebrate our combined efforts of raising $816,141.70 this 2024 year-end fundraising campaign. fundraising New Alpha Release: Tor Browser 14.5a3 by morgan | February 11, 2025 Tor Browser 14.5a3 is now available from the Tor Browser download page and also from our distribution directory. applications releases Arti 1.4.0 is released: onion services, RPC, relay development, and more by Diziet | February 7, 2025 Arti 1.4.0 is released and ready for download. announcements releases New...
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Step 3: Access to our domain Now that you have Tor Browser open, you can type in the URL for domain in the address bar. Remember to include the ‘.onion’ extension at the end of the URL, as this is a Tor-specific domain. Once you’ve entered the URL, press Enter and wait for the site to load.
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Unless otherwise stated, downloads are compatible with Java8 or later. Also note that the .i2p or .onion links to the development i2pupdate.zip will soon require a pre-exisiting I2P + installation with pack200 support, or Java13 or less ; this will result in development updates approximately 50% smaller.
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