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Before going into research, Merel worked for a Belgian peace organisation campaigning to ban nuclear weapons and autonomous weapon systems (aka killer robots) and advocating for peaceful alternatives to international armed conflict. Judith Jordà Frias PhD candidate in International Relations: International Politics and Conflict Resolution (UC).
They're strong ballerinas. (allegedly) 3 weeks ago | 39 4 losersmanual AKA juiced cross-fitters. 3 weeks ago | 1 0 xmaneds #FARM 3 weeks ago | 5 0 tooMuchButterOnDosTres Strong girl! Ballet? 3 weeks ago | 2 0 meloncauly If you think a typical ballerina isn't already strong, you've never been one or known one, just consumed popular media about them. 3 weeks ago | 10 2 ScienceIsNotALiberalConspiracy Naw.
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À partir d’extraits de : Micro-politique des groupes de David Vercauteren , La tyrannie de l’absence de structure de Jo Freeman, Rêver l’obscur de Starhawk. Documents joints info document ( MP3 – 9.6 Mo ) Compléments d'info à l'article Proposer un complément d'info modération a priori Ce forum est modéré a priori : votre contribution n’apparaîtra qu’après avoir été validée par un administrateur du site.
( 185 s) Malcolm X: Cooks ( 112 s) Malcolm X: Break In ( 101 s) Malcolm X: Broken Home ( 90 s) Malcolm X: Salve Mind ( 68 s) Malcolm X: Ten Years ( 74 s) Malcolm X: Nothing ( 34 s) Malcolm X: Drink On Me ( 114 s) Images Denzel Washington and Spike Lee in Malcolm X (1992) Denzel Washington in Malcolm X (1992) Denzel Washington, Angela Bassett, James McDaniel, Eric Payne, and Keith Randolph Smith in Malcolm X (1992) Denzel Washington in Malcolm X (1992) Denzel Washington in Malcolm X (1992) Denzel Washington...
Balanced network conditions then arise from solutions to the following system of equations: Wgg G + Wgd D == M + Wmd D + Wme E + Wmg G (guard bw = middle bw) Wgg G + Wgd D == Wee E + Wed D (guard bw = exit bw) Wed D + Wmd D + Wgd D == D (aka: Wed+Wmd+Wdg = weight_scale) Wmg G + Wgg G == G (aka: Wgg = weight_scale-Wmg) Wme E + Wee E == E (aka: Wee = weight_scale-Wme) We are short 2...
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Deputy Assistant Attorney General Brian Benczkowski said that using mixers to hide crypto transactions “is a crime.” Two months later, U.S. authorities arrested Roman Sterlingov, aka the Russian-Swedish founder of bitcoin tumbling service “Bitcoin Fog,” for helping people launder $335 million . In August 2021, Larry Harmon, the owner of a bitcoin mixer called Helix, pleaded guilty to helping darknet market criminals launder around $300 million.
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By Manohla Dargis Stephen Paley/Sony/Onyx Collective ‘Sly Lives! (aka the Burden of Black Genius)’ Review: Struggling to Transmit Questlove’s new documentary aims to dissect the forward-looking brilliance of Sly Stone and his band, but mostly it traces their downward arc.
In 1961, Jacob Rothschild married Serena Mary Dunn and they have four children; Hannah Mary Rothschild Brookfield (born 1962, she is filmmaker, married William Lord Brookfield), Beth Matilda Rothschild Tomassini (born 1964, married Antonio Tomassini), Emily "Emmy" Magda Rothschild Freeman-Attwood (born 1967, married Julian David Warren Freeman-Attwood) and Nathaniel Philip Victor James (born 1971, divorced). Nathaniel is born in Britain but is living in Klosters,...