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<sarang> Probably, but I'd like someone else to confirm that tx proof verification does in fact require external input of the suspected subaddress <sarang> and that it's not pulled from the proof string in any way, or otherwise influenced directly by the prover <sarang> (since the prover could simply use the Janus-modified subaddress) <sarang> For this witness extraction, I suspect that it may possible to show that each u-summand in the X-check is in fact equal to a particular r_u term...
January 13, 2023 at 10:26 am Reply mustapha says: was crazy about failing my exams every year so requested the team to hack my school exam server and steal the questions before exam.sounds foolish at first but things always get right when u give the job to the right person.thanks team now my friends are eager to contact you lol.hopefully we can work together more next time cause ave got a professional exam to write soon.
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Stay tuned! λ nihilist [ ] [~/_HTB/Writeup] → dirsearch -u http://writeup.htb/ -e txt,php,html,js -t 50 nothing too interesting there, apart from some information about "Apache 40x", let's run dirsearch to see which directories we can find. λ nihilist [ ] [~/_HTB/Writeup] → dirsearch -u http://writeup.htb/ -e txt,php,html,js -t 50 git clone https://github.com/maurosoria/dirsearch.git dirsearch -u -e -t 50 -x 500 ...
At this time I can confidently say /u/FatherBear is in possession of all market funds. It is my belief that they got spooked with the news surrounding Pharoh and decided to take the funds and run.
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I forgot the source but someone from Pine64 forum suggested to update the Manjaro which will also update the U-Boot in eMMC. I did that but then, I can't even boot from the eMMC anymore (and according to someone from Pine64 forum , the Manjaro build includes a U-boot that does not allow booting from micro-SD card .
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