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.” … In 2019, the Babylon Bee recruited legal representation after the fact-checking site Snopes published an allegedly defamatory piece accusing the outlet of using satire as a “ruse” to deliberately mislead its readers — a charge that Snopes never once leveled against the openly satirical site the Onion. Yeah, I’ve had obvious satire fact-checked before. You can’t sue multinational corporations that control everything though – that’s against our values in a democracy.
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Getty Images The mixture must be kneaded for around an hour to "cook" the meat (Credit: Getty Images) Çiğ köfte recipe by Mahir Nazlıcan Serves 8-10 Ingredients 1kg fine brown bulgur wheat 600g of fat-free, tendon-free beef mince 3 grated tomatoes 1 white onion 6 cloves garlic 1 tbsp black pepper 1 tbsp cumin 1 tbsp "seven-variety" (as this is a secret spice blend it can be replaced with any herbs/spices according to taste 2 tbsp red pepper flakes 2 tbsp black Urfa pepper flakes 2 tbsp...
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Permalink Parent 2 idk OP wrote on December 11, 2020 at 4:27 PM Reply to comment by Rambler in How about X-I2P-Location on the rambler.pw site? Also are you doing Tor alt-svc's or Onion-Location? by idk It's working for me in I2P in Private Browsing WebExtension. I'm going to have to make some improvements to the UI/style for this on my end though, it's doesn't show up very well when the URL's are this long and that's a problem that needs to be solved.
If you can't connect, or, have issues try manually adding our b32 ( http://leftychmxz3wczbd4add4atspbqevzrtwf2sjobm3waqosy2dbua.b32.i2p/ ) to your address book. Our domain itself is leftychan.i2p Thank you. -Coma. New Onion Address — by at 2023-10-28 (Sat) 20:07:29 We have a shiny new onion address: leftycha63oxyb5ymomxfrmbfwjas4lu6qc4rstgcg5avvtgzwctngad.onion The old one still linked in the faq page will still work, but it will redirect to the new one.
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