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Hague and Fury, both aged 25, are arguably the most high-profile couple to have emerged from ITV2's Love Island. In her statement, Hague said: "Never in a million years did I think I'd ever have to write this. "After five years of being together I never imagined our story would end, especially not this way."
F. : Ah bah oui, oui ça a sa place ! Parce qu’on peut dire que les femmes font partie des salarié-e-s qui sont parmi les plus précarisées, les plus en proie à être victimes parfois de la hiérarchie, des collègues, des usager-e-s, etc.
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The name Pidgin was chosen in reference to the term " pidgin ", which describes communication between people who do not share a common language. [7] The name "purple" refers to "prpl", the internal libgaim name for an IM pr otocol pl ugin. [8] Due to the legal issues, version 2.0 of the software was frozen in beta stages. Following the settlement, it was announced that the first official release of Pidgin 2.0.0 was hoped to occur during the two weeks from April 8, 2007. [9] However, Pidgin...
@anon sign up @anon sign up pull down to refresh Holepunch is now open source! twitter.com/paoloardoino/status/1608163457899143168?s=46&t=XwQzX4qBHUyls67trmws1Q 969 sats \ 6 comments \ @ ski 28 Dec 2022 bitcoin show full tweet write preview reply 100 sats related posts view all related items 58 sats hot recent top 34 sats \ 3 replies \ @ om 28 Dec 2022 There's already a lot of stuff on top of hypercore: https://dat-ecosystem.org/ Keet itself doesn't seem to be open-sourced yet?
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Other stuff about languages: Why do laypeople ask such strange questions about Language, language(s), and linguistics? Why do people enjoy learning and making conlangs (artificial languages)? How do professional linguists react to Esperanto?
GMP performance is the same in both. ‘ ABI=32 ’ In the 32-bit ABI, pointers, int s and long s are 32 bits and GMP uses a 64 bit long long for a limb. Applications can be compiled without any special flags since this ABI is the default in both HP C and GCC, but for reference the flags are gcc -milp32 cc +DD32 ‘ ABI=64 ’ In the 64-bit ABI, long s and pointers are 64 bits and GMP uses a long for a limb.
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"There are also constraints on how many times chemical batteries can cycle every day if you're trying to preserve longevity, which is something gravity systems don't really have to worry about as their parts can be more easily replaced." Add into the mix concerns around human right s abuse s , with cobalt mining being linked to child labour, and environmental damage , and Berrada is convinced that a non-lithium means of storing green energy is essential.
.- From the video, I understood that there needed to be 3 female decapitation sacrifices whithin Ellen´s bloodline to invoke Paimon fully. Then what was stopping the cult from killing Charlie as soon as she was born, then immediately Annie and Ellen?
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