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Many people thought Twitter was the worst possible way for people to communicate, little more than discourse abbreviated into tiny little chunks; Facebook was a horrible way to experience human relationships, commodifying them into a list of friends whom one pokes.
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CKZPYIFU ▶ Report post Hide post (JS) Image search » Google Yandex SauceNAO trace.moe File: tiny-evil.png (412.56 KiB) [ Draw ] [Hide] NSFW Content >>DF4OASWG moon bunny is just stupid here and cant into computer lol >> Anonymous 01/15/24(Mon)08:50:58 No.
I’m running on a high resolution screen and Sparrow icons and text are tiny It’s possible to control the scaling of Sparrow in Linux or Windows by setting an environment variable. On Linux: _JAVA_OPTIONS = -Dglass .gtk.uiScale = 200% /opt/sparrow/bin/Sparrow You can also try setting the scaling factor in GNOME more globally: gsettings set org.gnome.desktop.interface scaling-factor 2 On Windows: Set the environment variable glass.win.uiScale to whatever percentage of scaling you require...
SANICLE: (SANICULA EUROPAEA) Grow to 50cm (20in): with a hand shaped deeply lobed leaves and tiny white or pinkish flowers in a compact head widespread in woodland in Eurasia. USE AS EXPRESSED JUICE TO STAUNCH BLEEDING OR BY INFUSION FOR INTERNAL HAEMORRHAGE.
GUI 계산기 만들기 Tkinter 를 이용한 그래피컬 사용자 인터페이스 ( GUI ) 계산기의 파이썬 ( Python ) 쏘쓰 코드 ( source code )이다. ''' cal.py A updated tiny calculator using the Tkinter GUI toolkit you can type in functions contained in module math for instance type in tan(pi/180) then click = tested with Python 3.7.5 on Ubuntu 19.10 ''' from math import * from functools import partial import tkinter as tk class MyApp(tk.Tk): def __init__(self): # the root will be self tk.Tk.
Distortions Perspective distortions Geometry The visual geometry found within 3-MeO-PCMo can be described as very dark and bland when compared to that of ketamine or DXM . It often consists of many tiny interlocking and woven lines. It does not extend beyond level 4 geometry and can be comprehensively described through its variations as simplistic in complexity, algorithmic in style, synthetic in feel, unstructured in organization, dimly lit in lighting, multicoloured in scheme, glossy in...
.) >> Anonymous 01/14/24(Sun)19:02:05 No. fb-CKZPYIFU ▶ Report post Hide post (JS) Image search » Google Yandex SauceNAO trace.moe File: tiny-evil.png (412.56 KiB) [ Draw ] [Hide] NSFW Content >>fb-DF4OASWG moon bunny is just stupid here and cant into computer lol >> Anonymous 01/15/24(Mon)08:50:58 No. fb-N4NHQJTZ ▶ Report post Hide post (JS) Image search » Google Yandex SauceNAO trace.moe File: jackass.jpg (41.02 KiB) [ Draw ] [Hide] NSFW Content >>fb-J35XT5LF (OP) aannnnnnnnnnnnnnnd...
Pros: Distroless containers create super small images, which are quick to build and deploy, and required a tiny amount of storage. Because distroless containers are “distro-less” there are very few resources available in your container outside of your application.
This meant, according to Bakunin, that political power would be "exercised by proxy, which means entrusting it to a group of men elected to represent and govern them, which in turn will unfailingly return them to all the deceit and subservience of representative or bourgeois rule." [ Michael Bakunin: Selected Writings , p. 255] Rather than "the vast majority suppressing a tiny minority" we have a tiny minority, elected by the majority, suppressing those who disagree with...
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On printouts printed with the profile color , we detected several tiny yellow dots. These were not present on printouts made with the color profile black . Analysis with black light In contrast to the result of the ULD, we could not make any yellow dots visible to the naked eye under black light.
Future email systems and social networks could refuse to accept incoming messages unless they were accompanied with tiny amounts of Bitcoin — tiny enough to not matter to the sender, but large enough to deter spammers, who today can send uncounted billions of spam messages for free with impunity.
And that keeps users anonymous.If 500,000 people do an average of $10,000 in Bitcoin economic activity per year (not trading, just actual spending), that would only be $5 billion in actual Bitcoin economic activity. That’s a tiny fraction of Israel’s nearly $400 billion economy, and Bitcoin’s total value would be a tiny fraction of Israel’s money supply (therefore just a few billion dollars worth), meaning each bitcoin should be worth like a hundred bucks and it’s...
Ou est-ce encore parce que le Canton veut détruire nos cabanes, nos échappées belles et les petites chambres que nous avons construites sur châssis ou pilotis ? (Quelle ironie qu’on s’émerveille des « Tiny House » mais qu’on méprise toujours celleux qui vivent comme ça dans la vraie vie.) Nous défendrons notre droit à une vie collective en ville.
Stealth: vacu sealed packet in a jiffy. Quality: Above av. Looks great, shiny &lumps etc. But test a tiny bit by putting it in a T tube with cold water, then shaking, it reveals about 20% wont dissolve, tho it should completely. Still strong, 4/5.