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This created a split or "fork" in the blockchain since computers with the recent version of the software accepted the invalid block and continued to build on the diverging chain, whereas older versions of the software rejected it and continued extending the blockchain without the offending block.
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The route passes through the train station and bus station in the city centre. The line has connections for both departing and arriving flights.
/s 2 years ago | thumb_up 28 thumb_down 0 fformulaa The teacher conference would be bangin! 2 years ago | thumb_up 5 thumb_down 0 MisterFr I don’t see how under paying, over working, under funding and discrediting these teachers and then handing them weapons could be an issue. 2 years ago | thumb_up 10 thumb_down 0 visibility Privacy code Source Code
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The local group hosting the meeting this year is Cultivă Orașul (Grow the City), an initiative promoting and putting in practice urban agriculture, taking care of several gardens and a orchard in different neighborhoods.
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Even if this is true. A drop in the bucket, I can wait another day or two. >If the state won't protect citizens from crime Nah, no protection for petty booj. Also they looted the city center where all the big retailers usually are like Apple lol.
In addition, mere aggregation of another work not based on the Program with the Program (or with a work based on the Program) on a volume of a storage or distribution medium does not bring the other work under the scope of this License. 3.
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Licensed under CC BY-SA 3.0 via Wikimedia Commons . Location The Politehnica campus is located to the west of the city center. You can reach it with subway line M3 (red line) direction Preciziei to Politehnica station; or with subway line M1 (yellow line), direction Republica, to Grozavesti station.
Highly-skilled technology workers are already fed up with big tech, the drive for profit, and the spectre of technical debt. The leverage is increasingly on the side of the individual engineers; this is why the Uber executive quoted in the Preface fears the company may be 'fucked' if it 'can’t hire any good engineers.'
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