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Following the safeguarding of its independence with the creation in 2019 of a not-for-profit structure , ring-fencing its capital within the Fonds pour une presse libre (Fund for a free press), along with the appointment in 2023 of Cécile Sourd as general manager, and the appointments, also last year, of Lénaïg Bredoux and Valentine Oberti as editorial co-directors , this process of succession will be completed on March 14th 2024.
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Now I need to check if I can compile the stuff in Wine. 13:35 Seems that the Java compiler classes on Windows does not like the back slashes being specified as it throws an exception with an invalid relative name. 13:48 And the code reaches the same point as it does on my Debian development system, so the joys of write once run anywhere. 13:51 And Oracle Java's Swing on Windows uses DirectX, and since I am on a PowerPC system with buggy video drivers, the colors are swapped incorrectly....