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Since it temporarily decreases the need for sleep, some people will abuse the substance to stay alert, to study, or to accomplish a strenuous task. Since it suppresses the appetite, it is also sometimes used as a weight loss tool.
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She takes one off, holds it up. Instead of a loose oval, the band rests in the shape of... an animal. A generation earlier, and it'd be a collectible card instead, but still depicting an animal. Kids would crowd around the two picnic tables on the playground and trade them, one kid appointed sentry to keep watch for the "paras".
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What is the difference? Think of the small tracking devices scientists use to follow animal migration patterns, or a GPS transmitter attached to a car. As long as they’re attached to the target animal or vehicle, they are accurate and effective—but they lose all value if they’re knocked off or discarded.
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Первый попавшийся (во введении): This collection should not be used to promote the idea that all kinds of 'pedophile' contacts are morally sound or that real sexual abuse would be relatively harmless. - Эту подборку не следует использовать для <внедрения в массы> идеи, что все виды "педофильных" контактов можно морально оправдать или что сексуальные злоупотребления, понимаемые в истинном смысле этого слова, [были бы] относительно безвредны.
Online abuse is a targeted weapon used by a few to silence journalists and to prevent them from doing their job – which is to report on what is going on here in Moldova and the region.
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Password Register FAQ Calendar Mark Forums Read Page 1 of 6 1 2 3 4 5 > Last » Threads in Forum : Paranormal & Conspiracies Forum Tools Views: 105,822 Announcement : Site Rules / П р а в и л а с а й т а 01-22-2023 prox (Administrator) Thread / Thread Starter Last Post Replies Views Sticky: List dered 02-04-2023 09:04 AM by dered 0 29,606 🤬 ️ the secret illuminati covenant 🤬 ️ antizionist 10-12-2023 05:13 AM by antizionist 0 6,945 1993 World Trade Center bombing dered 01-05-2024 10:50 AM by dered 0 2,897...
In particular, methods and kits for drug-assisted psychotherapy with 3-MMC for a variety of disorders and/or conditions, including PTSD, GAD and relationship distress are provided. Pharmacokinetics Animal (pig) studies showed rapid absorption with a peak concentration achieved within 5-10 min after oral ingestion (3 mg/kg) and a plasma half-life of 0.8 hours.
(and no, old people dying of old age does not count) Replies: >>158 Anon 12/06/2024, 04:08:07 8f4464 No. 158 Hide Filter ID Filter Name Moderate >>157 People getting intolerant to things they consumed everyday before the jabs, not dying per se but i know personally lots of people who became lactose intolerant after the jabs, a girl who was pretty cute got ravaged by her sudden intolerance to anything not rice or animal protein, she became thin-thin rather than thin with curves and got into...