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You may not impose any further restrictions on the exercise of the rights granted or affirmed under this License. For example, you may not impose a license fee, royalty, or other charge for exercise of rights granted under this License, and you may not initiate litigation (including a cross-claim or counterclaim in a lawsuit) alleging that any patent claim is infringed by making, using, selling, offering for sale, or importing the Program...
( Sheol h7585 ) Job 14:13 I wish you would hide me in Sheol ; conceal me there until your anger is gone. Set a definite time for me there, and remember me! ( Sheol h7585 ) Job 17:13 What am I looking for? To make my home in Sheol , to make my bed in darkness?
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Ceci est une action de solidarité avec le Collectif Palestine Vaincra et le Groupe Antifasciste Lyon et Environs, tous deux touchés par une décision de dissolution de la part de l’exécutif français. Une vraie saloperie, vraiment. Oui, le bitume c’est sale, ça pue, et en plus il y en a partout. La scène de vandalisme qu’offre en ce moment le consulat de France suscitera peut-être du dégoût et de l’indignation.
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The incident exposed 41 million unique email addresses longside names and in some cases, dates of birth and password hashes. In 2019, the data appeared listed for sale on a dark web marketplace Chegg - In April 2018, the textbook rental service Chegg suffered a data breach that impacted 40 million subscribers.
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Section 3 of the ReDirection Self-Help Program will help you to make long term sustainable change for the future. When you begin to change your behavior for the better, it is natural to encounter setbacks, but it is important that you learn how to overcome these setbacks.
英国首相辛伟诚(Rishi Sunak,又译苏纳克)去年竞选时承诺会关闭全部孔子学院,但这个承诺并未有兑现。 研究:孔子学院员工需经中国政治审查 新成立的研究机构“英中透视”(UK-China Transparency)在星期一发表报告,指中国政府会审查申请在这些英国孔子学院工作的中国人,审查的事项包括他们的政治取向、种族、宗教背景、年龄,“英中透视”指这种做法是严重歧视以及违反英国法律的。 另外,“英中透视”指,英国孔子学院会基于员工跟随“中国共产党纪律”的能力去聘请他们,员工必需参与压制校园言论自由的工作,以及去骚扰批评中国的人。
Te judecă și unii, și alții, fiecare după criteriile și așteptările sale. Cred că autoritățile au datoria să fie sincere și deschise cu cetățenii, să nu se teamă de judecata lor. Să facă totul pentru ca războiul să nu intre în casa noastră.
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Durant l’enquête, les policiers se sont concentré sur le collectif “Youth For Climate”. Ils ont notamment pu exploiter des photos publiées sur Instagram et ce même si elles étaient floutées à cause des vêtements .
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