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NUUG barbecue One of the organisers behind Debcamp and Debconf3, The Norwegian Unix User Group, arranged a summer party and barbecue on the last day of Debcamp (2003-07-17). This party was sponsored by IBM, and was free for all. Everyone interested in Unix-like operating systems, free and open source software was invited. Information about the event is available (currently Norwegian only) from NUUG .
MiniDebConf Palakkad 2022 is a smaller version of Debian Conference which focuses on Debian as a Free and Open Source Software by conducting talks and workshops. The conference will provide a platform for advances in not only Debian but various Free Software projects as well.
We develop and provide different open-source frontends/services, for free. It was started by laptopcat , on August 18th, 2024. maid.zone is mainly administrated and funded by laptopcat, but other members help out greatly too.
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