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Add subtitles for the what-is-monero video in home 2021-01-11 13:45:17 -05:00 erciccione ea6356bf95 Add subtitles for the what-is-monero video in home ... Subtitles provided by staff91 Co-authored-by: staff91 2020-12-26 11:44:42 +00:00 Daniel Leedan b0d2d74410 Add missing DIV tag ...
Check Available Wallets You can check the available wallets by following the link. Check Available Wallets Proof I will send you a video with your email address and wallet balance at the time of creating the video. Contact Email me only if you want to buy a wallet. Creating a video for everyone who wants to check is very time-wasting.
ISP problems & too busy for new frontpagegirl. Will be added later. [2009-04-05] - New Video: teensandtoys.wmv [2009-04-04] - New Frontpagegirl, Miss April! [2009-03-08] - New video: Amateur.Doggie.Style.01.mpg. More to come!
Notes from the surveillance apocalypse A company has developed artificial intelligence system that can learn to detect aberrant behavior in video. The problem with surveillance video is that there is far more of it than there are people to watch it. This new system promises to allow automation for analyzing video, removing the limitation of human labor. www.net-security.org/secworld.php?
It's not a very intricate one. <ArticMine> So the video needs to be updated <rehrar> binaryFate: we're a tiny coin <ArticMine> that gas grown 1000 since the video was created <ArticMine> has <rehrar> what was the guy's name that made it?
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