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SANS Pentest Hackfest 2022 - Gave a talk at the main track on "What I Wish I Knew Before Pentesting AWS Environments" ( slides ) Screaming in the Cloud #226 - Corey Quinn - I was a guest on the Screaming in the Cloud podcast, hosted by Corey Quinn. We talked about offensive security in AWS, AWS security research, and more. Research in the News - My research has been featured in multiple well-known newsletters including CloudSecList , tl;dr sec , and Bug Bytes .
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You will receive your order in 2-5 days. 57206 Total Visitors 6100 Sales 2749 Cargo Delivery 227 Pay back PAYPAL / WESTERN UNION PAYPAL We offer hacked PayPal accounts with old login date. After payment, all necessary information and guide are sent by e-mail. PAYPAL Once Funds has been sent, it is 100% clean and you get zero problems. PAYPAL We are using Hacked Verified Paypal Accounts to transfer funds using our own personal method to make sure you don't get any dispute.
But if you have any bad experience with our verified services, please contact us and provide some proofs that you've been scammed by them. After some research we will remove Verified tag.    2. To mark service as Scam , we also monitor the Deep Web and of course use your feedbacks.
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We have a group of hackers working for us and we always try our best to spam new accounts everyday.Due to large amount of orders,our accounts do get sold-out by mid-day but normally we add atleast 50-75 new accounts every 3/4 days. How do I pay? The only method to pay us are Bitcoins and Monero (so no Western Union, PayPal, and so on…).
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