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Fellow Time Traveler 05/07/2020 (Thu) 09:12:23 No. 595 >>593 Not that anon but many IRC clients keep a chat history automatically, and the chat servers themselves may or may not keep a history, but they aren't going to send it to your client when you connect like Discord, etc.
This is bmux dot onion TOR/ONION XMPP IRC CHAT SERVICES We support freedom of expression and we support communication secrecy/anonimity. We fight oppression, we fight censorship and religious ignorance. [1312] We are here to support the 6 italian boys arrested in barcelona during a demonstration for freedom of expression.
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Please don't say just "hello" in the chat. If you feel it's a bit brusque to simply say "Hi" and ask the question, you can still preface your message with as many pleasantries as you see fit.
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It’s a little bit like DLive. You’ve got your top streams on the left, your chat on the right. Very cozy. Unlike DLive – which was always forcing people to self-censor – you can actually say the n-word. So it’s like pre-2017 YouTube.
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