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First check the following things: Service status: systemctl status caddy Logs: journalctl --no-pager -u caddy Are your site's files readable by the caddy user and group? ls -la /var/www/html Is the caddy home directory writeable? ls -la /var/lib/caddy Ensure your domain's A and/or AAAA records point to your machine's public IP address: dig example.com Are your ports 80 and 443 externally reachable, and is Caddy able to bind to them?
. # ############################################################################## ## ## Gradle start up script for UN*X ## ############################################################################## # Attempt to set APP_HOME # Resolve links: $0 may be a link PRG = " $0 " # Need this for relative symlinks. while [ -h " $PRG " ] ; do ls = ` ls -ld " $PRG " ` link = ` expr " $ls " : ' .*- > \(.*\)$ ' ` if expr " $link " : ' /.* ' > /dev/null ; then PRG =...