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So that comprehensive measures pertaining to common, equal and indivisible security could be developed. Given the distinction between peaceful and non-peaceful use of bacteriological research and the study of toxins, it must be completely transparent and controlled.
A U.N. referendum should also be held “to ascertain objectively the wishes of the majority of the inhabitants of the various disputed areas,” he said on Saturday. Ukraine foreign ministry spokesman Oleg Nikolenko said there were no “disputed territories” in which to hold a referendum. He called on Indonesia to support Kyiv’s position and for Russia to withdraw its troops from Ukrainian soil.
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Tindakan pengecut ini ialah penolakan prinsip-prinsip ini dan ini sepatutnya semakin menyatukan kita dalam pertempuran menentang ekstremisme," Irina Bokova, Ketua Pengarah Pertubuhan Pendidikan, Saintifik dan Kebudayaan Pertubuhan Bangsa Bersatu (UNESCO), memberitahu pemberita di Paris tidak lama selepas dua lelaki bersenjata melakukan pembunuhan beramai-ramai itu.
Cozonac (Walnut and Raisin Easter Bread) Genevieve Ko, Irina Georgescu 127 ratings with an average rating of 4 out of 5 stars 127 1 1/2 hours, plus 2 1/2 hours proofing and cooling Save to Recipe Box Log in or sign up to save this recipe.
„Sajnos az elnök munkabeosztása nem teszi lehetővé, hogy ezt megtegye a temetésen, szeptember 3-án, ezért döntött ma így” – közölte Peszkov. Gorbacsov lánya, Irina Virganszkaja azt mondta, apja búcsúztatása szeptember 3-án lesz a történelmi Szakszervezetek Házában, ahol Nyikita Hruscsov kivételével az összes szovjet vezetőt felravatalozták.
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Journalist Irina Sinyukova describes day-to-day life of Shies Commune: “Women cook and heat up a banya (Russian bath house), wash clothes, chop wood, when men are engaged in more heavy work involving heavy-lifting and so on.
Firma Rossiyaga elektronik qismlar, xususan mikrosxemalar yetkazib bergan. Ochiq manbalarga ko'ra, "Promcomplektlogistic"ni Oleg Grabilin ismli shaxs boshqaradi. "Promcomplektlogistic" xususiy kompaniyasining qora ro'yxatga kiritilishi dunyo bo'ylab tijoratchilarga saboq va ogohlantirish bo'lsin: sanksiyalangan firma, tashkilot yoki shaxs bilan biznes qilsangiz, o'zingiz ham sanksiya bilan yuzlashasiz", - deyiladi departament bayonotida.
Agency and Terrorism Israel’s Knesset opened its winter session on Monday against a backdrop of war in Gaza and Lebanon and with some contentious matters on the agenda.
After covering a protest event, I just recently got a message: 'At some point you're going to get a bullet in your head.' I decided to speak about it publicly and there is also an open police investigation. No journalist should have to die for reporting." Journalists in Moldova: Physical dangers and threats can take a psychological toll Irina Tabaranu, Journalist, Zonadesecuritate.md "During an interview, a person suddenly started walking past us over...
Dans le cadre du master AlterEurope, le Département d ’ études politiques et territoriales de l ’ Université Jean Monnet et l ’ antenne stéphanoise SOS MEDITERRANEE vous convient à la projection de ce film ( https://www.sddistribution.fr/film/... ), suivie d ’ un débat animé par Nora El Qadim et Irina Mützelburg, enseignantes-chercheuses respectivement à l ’ Université Paris 8 Saint-Denis et à Sciences Po Lyon. Amicale laïque de Tardy, vendredi 22 novembre à partir de 17h30.
Juli 2021 Wir rufen zu einer Solidaritätskampagne zur Unterstützung von Aleksey, Artur, Irina und Sergey auf! Aktionstage sollen der 9. bis 18. Juli sein. Wir bitten darum, Informationen über die Situation zu verbreiten – organisiert Soli-Proteste, macht Soli-Fotos und Infoveranstaltungen!
Referendum PBB juga harus diadakan “untuk memastikan secara objektif keinginan mayoritas penduduk di berbagai wilayah yang disengketakan,” kata Prabowo pada Sabtu (3/6). Juru Bicara Kementerian Luar Negeri Ukraina Oleg Nikolenko mengatakan tidak ada "wilayah yang disengketakan" untuk mengadakan referendum. Dia meminta Indonesia untuk mendukung posisi negaranya agar Rusia menarik pasukannya dari tanah Ukraina.
“IOC đánh giá cao những câu hỏi mang tính xây dựng liên quan đến định nghĩa về tính trung lập của các vận động viên mang hộ chiếu Nga hoặc Belarus, đồng thời lưu ý rằng những lo ngại rõ ràng về nhân quyền do hai báo cáo viên đặc biệt của Hội đồng Nhân quyền LHQ đề cập đã không được giải quyết trong tuyên bố”. Bộ trưởng Thể thao Nga Oleg Matytsin hôm 11/2 cho biết lời kêu gọi từ các quốc gia cấm các vận động viên Nga và Belarus tham dự Thế vận hội là sự can thiệp “không thể chấp nhận được”...
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Aside from Chekina and Assad, three other administrative employees remain in custody: Deputy Director Irina Rybalka, Chief Engineer Alla Lapatka, and attorney Katsyaryna Tkachenka.
Njena izjava je usledila posle objave da su bivši bosanskohercegovački diplomata Slobodan Šoja i profesor filozofije iz Banjeluke Oleg Soldat učestvovali kao posmatrači takozvanim referenduma u odmetnutim ukrajinskim regionima. Manjak lekova i opreme vode zdravstvo Crne Gore ka kolapsu – Američka privredna komora u Crnoj Gori je u pismu premijeru u tehničkom mandatu Dritanu Abazoviću izrazila zabrinutost jer značajan broj pacijenta u Crnoj Gori nema dostupne lekove i kontinuirano lečenje,...