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Proton statement to RestorePrivacy last year Looking at Proton’s transparency report, we find that Proton Mail complied with 5,971 data requests last year alone, up slightly from the year before." 返信(Reply) たかし◆embcMFBoog @tak4 2024-05-08 00:35 RE: ぼやきスレ たしかに「アプリ」が無いと何もできなくなりつつある。 不自由やプライバシー侵害のものを、自由なものと區別して、惡いものはゴミ箱 (それ用のPC、OS、ブラウザー) に閉ぢ込めておくしかないと考へてゐる。
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I did my findings and reached out to a tech guy then I opted for a similar program for my boy though a more remote surveillance . Look, I have recently returned from vacation & I had him checked out it's three days before valentine's day and I'd be lying if I said I'm not sad being alone. Last year I had Julie to keep me company...No I'm not going to reminisce and get depressed.
Après lecture des propositions de modification, l'auteur-e décide de la version finale Lire la suite recherche Infos Locales Exils / Sans papiers Logement vidéo des habitants d’Alex pour le maintien du centre. Publié le 1er juillet 2018 Non a la fermeture du CAO d'Allex from solidarité refugiés on Vimeo . ( https://vimeo.com/277738128 ) Non à la fermeture du centre d’accueil d’Allex ! Rassemblement devant la mairie d’Allex le samedi 16 juin à 14 h 20 juin 2018 Partager Compléments d'info à...
CVE-2017-9798 Apache httpd allows remote attackers to read secret data from process memory if the Limit directive can be set in a user’s .htaccess file, or if httpd.conf has certain misconfigurations, aka Optionsbleed.
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