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The play menu has three actions, «play» (keyboard shortcut: ctrl+n ), «pause» ( ctrl+p or just p ) and «quit» ( ctrl+q ). The help menu only has the infamous «about» option, with details about the version and author available. The keys for playing the game are the direction keys, left and right on the keyboard, which moves the pieces left or right.
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Feeds MAIN FEEDS Home Popular All reddit You are about to leave Redlib Do you want to continue? https://www.reddit.com/r/worldnews/search?q=author:WorldNewsMods%20OR%20title:%22worldnews%20live%20thread%22%20OR%20self:yes&restrict_sr=on&sort=new No, go back! Yes, take me to Reddit settings in r/worldnews Relevance Hot Top New Comments → r/worldnews • u/WorldNewsMods • 22h ago Russia/Ukraine /r/WorldNews Live Thread: Russian Invasion of Ukraine Day 1055, Part 1 (Thread #1202) reddit.com 693...
ArgumentParser ( description = " Create a new issue " ) parser . add_argument ( " --issue " , type = int , help = " Issue number " ) parser . add_argument ( " --period-start " , type = str , help = " Period start " ) parser . add_argument ( " --period-end " , type = str , help = " Period end " ) parser . add_argument ( " --quiet " , " -q " , action = " store_true " , help = " Quiet mode " ) args = parser . parse_args ( ) if not ( args . period_start and args . period_end ) : if not args ....
Source: NYT > World News (https://rss.nytimes.com/services/xml/rss/nyt/World.xml) Navalny Prepares to Fly to Moscow, Despite Threat of Arrest Thai Caves Attract Millions of Bats — and Now Scientists Too Source: BBC News - World (https://feeds.bbci.co.uk/news/world/rss.xml) Biden inauguration: Executive orders to reverse Trump policies Uganda election: Bobi Wine 'fearful for life' after Museveni win Source: Bitcoin Blockchain...
In an Instagram story Saturday, AOC delivered a scathing response to a question from a follower on her “opinion on Eric Adams’ changes in NYPD policy & funding” during a Q&A session on the social media platform. “ Cutting virtually every city agency’s budget while raising NYPD’s, bringing back the plainclothes unit notorious for misconduct and responsible for an enormous percent of all NYC police killings , torture in the form of solitary [confinement] at Rikers and destroying homeless...
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