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Moreover, capping at 40 DMA segments limits the stack usage of {em,igb}_xmit() that - given the rare use of more than these - previously hardly was justifiable, while still being sufficient to avoid the problems seen with em(4) and EM_MAX_SCATTER set to 32
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She asks the reader, frankly, isn’t it true that anarchists who care about educating and, above all, forming an anarchist conscience in the woman who is their wife or companion are very rare? She then amps it up by asking how many times do gentlemen comrades respond with an annoyed expression, with a grimace of carelessness and almost disdain because they consider themselves superior beings, quasi worthy of only taking care of certain things , while women have only to take care of the...
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Reilly 2021-01-25 20:29:56 I testes PayPal Logins for $40 and after I got everything in my mail I shopped for over $5.000. The Sharks are genuine it is rare to find a valid source. No I have a lot to do ;) Schuppe 2021-01-24 09:30:31 got everything an I'm now going through the HowTo guide +++vendor manny 2021-01-20 15:32:11 test comment nowik 2021-01-19 23:59:29 Hey sharks, waiting for your reply in my mailbox.
Now, Chris brought to light the Blue Smurf scam, and we're looking into that at the state level now, as well as the federal level, and that was the donors that weren't really donors, and this is how they funnel money into the election campaigns of the deep state incumbents. And we have two more, so there's 10. Next, we have Amy Pennock. from Seminole County, and right up here in St. Lucie, George Umansky. So there's 10 of us, and we'll be seeking grand juries in each of those 10 counties,...
Raises the minimum wage to $18 per hour from the current $16 per hour, over two years, and ties it to inflation. This is one of the rare petition-based propositions that I will vote in favor of because it's very straightforward, we clearly should be raising the minimum wage, and living in California is absurdly expensive because we refuse to build more housing (see Propositions 5 and 33).
2019纽约骄傲大游行 Calla Kessler/The New York Times 彩虹旗飘扬的街道、热烈欢庆的人们,欢迎来到年度纽约骄傲大游行。今年是石墙运动50周年,约有数百万人参与了纪念这一事件的游行,场面盛大。这里是一份图集。 让汽车成为行走的艺术品 Amy Harrity for The New York Times 给一辆丰田花冠披上大胆撞色的皮草、为一辆卡车贴上令人眼花缭乱的商标……设计师佩吉·诺兰德的作品总是华丽而新奇。在她手中,再平淡无奇的汽车也会焕发出耀眼的光芒。 新一代大厨重塑美国的台湾美食 Jeenah Moon for The New York Times 在美国,台湾菜经常被概括在“中国菜”的巨伞之下。
鉴于新疆受到的严格控制,“我们不得不认为,目前存在着强迫劳动的巨大风险,”战略与国际问题研究中心(Center for Strategic and International Studies)人权项目主任以及一项新疆劳工调查报告的联合作者艾米·K·勒尔(Amy K. Lehr)说。 ...... ◇《 新疆无故监禁激增 @ HRW/人权观察 》 (编程随想注:此文发布于2021年2月24日;以下是此文的摘录) 人权观察今天表示,中国政府近年来在新疆地区对维吾尔族及其他穆斯林无故起诉并判处重刑的案件增加。从2016年中国政府加大力度推行镇压式的“严厉打击暴力恐怖活动专项行动”迄今,该地区已有逾25万人遭正式司法系统定罪判刑。
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So that’s an extractive model in the same way that we think about, for example, rare earth minerals being extracted from mines and sort of strip mining of land. And that being a horrific thing for the environment, there’s a similar thing happening with code boot camps and with the educational system around technical skill, because now those extractive models are being applied to people, and those “human resources” as we weirdly call them, right, are being treated in exactly that same way.
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