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If you wish to extend your escrow period due to any shipping delays, you can do so from your account dashboard. You can extend for 7 days at a time. Any customers that abuse this feature when the tracking shows your items have been delivered may be banned from placing future orders. [email protected]
We're here to help, and while we're doing our best to satisfy every costumer, we are just humans, too. Mistakes can happen. However, to prevent abuse, we have some rules for refund.   - First of all, we'll only refund via cryptocurrency, if for some reason, we cannot provide you another set of the same accounts you purchased.
You shall not upload any images, videos, or animated material depicting torture, physical abuse such as; hitting, kicking, suffocating, biting or otherwise causing pain or death to any persons. Necrophilia is NOT allowed. Any posts, replies containing this kind of material will be deleted and your account may be deleted as well.
Posted by spanketyspank on Sun 02 Feb 2025 05:06:24 PM UTC This SEXUAL predator, FRED, does not know the difference between spanking and sexual abuse. Many countries have very clearly defined what is legal and acceptable. Fred takes it to a whole other level of perverse sexual deviancy.
If you wish to extend your escrow period due to any shipping delays, you can do so from your account dashboard. You can extend for 7 days at a time. Any customers that abuse this feature when the tracking shows your items have been delivered may be banned from placing future orders. [email protected]
At this point, you will be greeted with additional verification. Proton Mail does this to prevent abuse of their services by bots and spammers. If presented with the option requiring verification by email or SMS , close the browser and restart from the beginning.
However, for security purposes, we may temporarily store anonymized metadata related to DDoS mitigation and traffic analysis. 4. Security and Access Control To prevent automated abuse, we implement a CAPTCHA verification system to ensure that only legitimate users access protected services. This mechanism does not track users beyond session validation and does not link any browsing activity to specific individuals. 5.
Dispute Process Our dispute process is easy, and gives the seller a chance to respond to the buyer to prevent abuse Buyer disputes transaction Seller has 5 days* to correct the issue If the buyer does not report a resolution to us, we return their coins *5 days is the suggested response time, but you may select from 5-30 days when filing a dispute Ready to get started?
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Since 2017 there have been just two legal orders, both of which were heckin' cute and valid. For more information on how legal orders are handled, check the abuse page. Hidden Services Website: rurcblzhmdk22kttfkel2zduhyu3r6to7knyc7wiorzrx5gw4c3lftad.onion Mail: xdkriz6cn2avvcr2vks5lvvtmfojz2ohjzj4fhyuka55mvljeso2ztqd.onion IMAP, POP, XMPP, Webmail How can I trust you?
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