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Questionnaire which aims at developing a self-help program intended for people who are worried about their sexual interest, thoughts, feelings or actions concerning children.
Nehmen Sie sich bitte ein paar Minuten Zeit für diese Umfrage. Ihr Ziel ist es, ein Selbsthilfeprogramm zu entwickeln für Menschen, die Darstellungen des sexuellen Kindesmissbrauchs (CSAM) oder illegale Gewaltdarstellungen anschauen: ReDirection.
Tómese algunos minutos para responder este cuestionario que busca desarrollar un programa de auto-ayuda para personas que usan material de abuso sexual de niñas, niños y adolescentes o material ilegal violento.
Prenditi alcuni minuti per rispondere a questo questionario, il cui scopo è sviluppare un programma di auto-aiuto di ReDirection per persone che utilizzano materiale abusivo su bambini o materiale illegale e violento.
Уделите несколько минут заполнению этой анкеты, цель которой - разработать программу самопомощи ReDirection для людей, использующих материалы с сексуальным насилием над детьми или противозаконные материалы, изображающие сцены насилия.
Tämän kyselyn tuloksia hyödynnetään uuden ReDirection omahoito-ohjelman kehittämiseen henkilöille, jotka haluavat lopettaa lapsiin kohdistuvaa seksuaaliväkivaltaa tai muuta väkivaltaa sisältävän laittoman kuvamateriaalin käytön.
Leidke mõni minut, et vastata küsimustikule, mille eesmärk on välja töötada ReDirectioni eneseabi programm inimestele, kes kasutavad laste seksuaalse väärkohtlemise materjali (child sexual abuse material-CSAM) või ebaseaduslikku vägivaldset materjali.
I don't need any help. Would you like to tell us the reason for this?
Self-help program is primarily intended for people who are worried about their sexual interest, thoughts, feelings or actions concerning children.
ReDirection self-help program for people who are worried about their use of Child Sexual Abuse Material (CSAM)!
What is it all about when my sexual interest is directed towards children considerably younger than myself?
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Search for: Search for image board . Search results: image board : 0 . Results 0-0 of 6 . Search took 0.0 seconds 1. Share your experience – we want to understand so we can help you and others ‘Help us to know’ questionnaire to understand the experiences of people who search for child sexual abuse material in order to develop more effective support resources. https://link.webropolsurveys.c... - webropol.com - 2.
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Then we mapped out who was present: Seven core contributors. One board member. One trusted external witness. No one else. From that, we built the process: Three roles for physical control: operator of the signing server, encrypted backup holder, passphrase shard holder.