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The chat is deleted after the trade is finished and approved. TR 347 market tamamen gizlilik üzerine kurulmuş bir markettir sistem hiç bir şekilde veritabanı kullanmadan çalışır bu sayede hiç bir bilgi kayıt edilmez .
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Self-destructing messages New option in settings to automatically delete all chat messages once a trade is either completed or cancelled. So neither the staff nor your trading partner will be able to read chat messages.
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Confirm next meeting date/time <sgp_> The next community meeting will be in 2 weeks on 9 May at 17:00 UTC. <sgp_> The next Coffee Chat is on Saturday 2 May at 17:00 UTC <sgp_> Conclusion <sgp_> That’s all! Thanks for attending this Monero Community meeting, and we hope to see you on r/MoneroCommunity and #monero-community.
Many argue that the proposed Chat Control regulation is incompatible with end-to-end encryption, a security feature that ensures messages can only be read by the sender and intended recipient.
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Please don't say just hello in chat. If you feel it's a bit brusque to simply say "Hi" and ask the question, you can still preface your message with as many pleasantries as you see fit.
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