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This recipe amends the original to make it a little more convenient to make, using ingredients that are more readibly available. Cooking Time Prep Cooking Total 40 mins 86 mins 126 mins Ingredients 125ml milk 175ml double cream 2 medium eggs 3/4 teaspoon dried tarragon Salt and Pepper 100g grated cheddar cheese 180g spinach 60g broad beans (fresh preffered, but frozen work) Ready-roll Shortcrust pastry 20cm Flan tin Method Set a pan of water boiling Lightly chop the...
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There is nothing in particular to which it necessarily refers ." ( Ibid , p. 5. Italics in original). Walker also noted the history of association between MAPs and other queer communities [2] The term 'queer', is therefore employed not so much in the sense of dissident sexualities that might be named, but in the sense of a resistance to containment in such legible identity categories, as "a refusal of every...
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