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(Bassin minier rhénan, 6 juillet 2023) p. 11 La répression contre les militants pour le climat ne doit pas rester sans réponse (Munich, 10 juillet 2023) p. 12 Incendie de la voiture du ministre de l’Intérieur Mäurer – Switch OFF ! the system of destruction (Brême, 19 juillet 2023) p. 13 Switch off the system (Hambourg, 25 juillet 2023) p. 13 Attaque contre la Deutsche Bahn – Stop Tren Maya – Switch Off !
This is the starting point of our struggle against the ruling order. To crush and to demount the Mega-machine is the ambitious task of the anarchist movement.
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      Spike The Bully and the New Boys Category & Story codes School story bb – non-cons mast oral – humil (Explanation) Summary The story involves, as the name suggests, the anti-social and unacceptable behavior of bullying of teenage boys in high school.
There is flair for all federal appeals courts and for the specific Justices. For example, if the article or essay is on Justice Breyer use the Breyer flair. If the opinion or essay is from/on the Ninth Circuit use the Ninth Circuit flair.
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Many industry professionals consider the G19 the standard by which all compact 9mm pistols are compared. Competing manufacturers have produced newer, more modern handguns for the explicit purpose of competing with the Glock 19, such as the Springfield XD9, the Smith & Wesson Shield, the SIG Sauer P320 Compact, or the CZ P-10.
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