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Mi-au spus asta tineri și bătrâni, angajații de la hotelul unde am stat (și unde nu era absolut niciun canal în română la televizor (nu din România, dar nici din Moldova), dar și taximetriști, ospătari și alți cetățeni cu care am mai interacționat). Iluzia lor că s-ar păta de manele dacă s-ar uni e poate legitimă, dar probabil preferabilă întunericului de dincolo de Nistru. Totuși, chiar fără banii lui Șor, pare că nu-i trage inima.
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Denkbares Über Kontakt jekyll-comments Rolf Dobelli warnt vor dem Pakt mit dem Teufel Dec 23, 2017 • undenkbar …teasert die aktuelle schmale Weihnachtsausgabe der NZZ vom 23.12.2017 (S.39/S.41, “ Der Kreis der Würde III ”). Dobelli amtet dort seit Längerem als Ratgeber in Sachen “gutes Leben”, bei jeder passenden und unpassenden Gelegenheit auf seinen einzigen intellektuellen Übervater Warren Buffett sich berufend.
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/bin/bash doo_regex='^http://download.opensuse.org/' while read -r url extras; do if [[ "$url" =~ $doo_regex ]]; then location="$(curl -s --head "$url" \ | grep -E "^Location: " \ | sed -e 's/^Location: \(.*\)\r$/\1/' \ -e 's/^https:/http:/')" if [[ -n "$location" ]]; then echo "OK url=\"${location}\"" else echo "ERR" fi else echo "ERR" ...
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The number simply refers to the number of keys that are required. So what is multisig? Multisig stands for multi-signature. This means that multiple approvals (signatures) are needed before a transaction is confirmed.
Once installed, a broker’s SDK is able to gather data whenever the app itself has access to it. Sometimes that means access to location data whenever the app is open. In other cases, it means “background” access to data whenever the phone is on, even if the app is closed.
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