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Trust Level 2 m****s Positive 10 - 20 USD November 07, 2022 5 | 5 | 5 ordered dabs, but asked for flowers and got about 2.2 g in flower instead fucking fire in the house .. made it to me in abiut 21 days very well packaged/ stleth to strict border force ;) in AU best buds ive smoked in over ten years for that price its so smooth, fruit and i feel like im seeing the light now as i type lol with their hash pil mixxed lol love them so much if i could i would clean their toilet Trust Level 2...
But dignity could be about things simpler than travelling, such as sleeping in the safety of your own home, with access to water, electricity and internet. Dignity is about having access to a toilet when you want. Dignity, she said! 6pm I remember that yesterday was my friend’s birthday. I send a message: “Hello there. I just wanted to wish you a happy birthday.
Jail is supposed to break people Everyday life in prison is a chain of many senseless rules. Sleeping, eating, going to the toilet, going around the yard, working, being creative, being close to others; everything is regulated and is in the hands of third parties.
У пользователей линупса есть возможность превратить любое слово в годный ASCI-логотип при помощи команды figlet toilet <слово>. Конечно, после установки соответствующего пакета. Ссылки Русская коллекция рисунков символами и анимации ASCII Art ASCII-матрица, анимация Много всего про ASCII-art и ему подобное, что это и как его делать Ресурс, активно следящий за событиями ASCII-art сцены и компьютерной субкультурой в целом Сообщество в жеже Архив, с большим количеством псевдографики,...
1 week ago | 2 0 anononanonanona A type of firecracker with force somewhere in the range of half a grenade 1 week ago | 6 0 anononanonanona These days most are fake but if you had the right connections in the past you could get something relatively powerful https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/M-80_(explosive) 1 week ago | 6 0 Krakencrotch Ooh, simulating artillery fire, I see. 1 week ago | 2 0 YuffieK Shitter's UNCLOGGED 1 week ago | 914 5 Harm Shitter's unshittered. 1 week ago | 1 0 DietLoki Underrated comment....
It is put away again, a short break, and here we go again, skimming through today's news and checking out what all the friends are up to... It's our companion when we're on the toilet, at work or at school, and it apparently helps to fight boredom while we're waiting or working, etc. Is this perhaps one of the reasons for the success of all these technological devices, that real life is so damn boring and monotonous that a few square centimeters of screen is almost always more exciting...
If you want to speak, you need to raise your hand. If you need the toilet, you must ask permission. And the lessons amount to little more than drilling information with the given promise of honours and qualifications.
There are many websites which offer “new creative and clever passwords for 2021”, but choosing any pre-existing password or username you may see online (or even those in this post) poses a security risk. Remember, a good password should be like toilet paper: strong and only used once. Saving Passwords in the Browser One option for saving passwords it to simply save them in your internet browser, be it Firefox, Chrome or Safari.
Chud 02/07/25 (Fri) 00:23:08   № 112590 File: clevelandjunior.png 📥︎ (145.77 KB, 454x548) 4f292b8ce949f40e0e5046afbb50541bb0515ebeb1f4ef83a1d4551b1aac5e2f 0.01 ImgOps >>112576 human just like you nigga, im hohol only by country but not other ways Chud 02/07/25 (Fri) 03:17:30   № 112596 Dk Chud 03/03/25 (Mon) 00:08:47   № 115166 File: ClipboardImage.png 📥︎ (230.11 KB, 828x812) 007bc23982c5933707c63a23c67920c34ffc7fc4e0de716d38464c3a79338ff9 0.016 ImgOps >>>112178 >skibidi toilet is much...
"I gotta pee bad, Pops." "Go ahead, then. I don't charge for the use of the toilet." With that he heard the steady, strong splash of Adam's piss in the toilet. "How is your back this morning, Adam?" After his last squirt, Adam answered, "Better Pops, a little stiff but much better."
At Tobolsk, the warders provoke the anarchists of cell No. 6 by refusing to let them slop out. To protest they overturn their toilet bucket in the corridor in the afternoon. The cell is declared collectively responsible, all are punished, and a hunger strike starts.
We could also attach ID card readers to toilet/urinal lids, and require women to scan the ID card to open the lids. That way if a hag scans her card, it would reroute the pee to the sewer instead of the female pee line.
Idk how the old one stayed in there so long, it was balanced on a 1/2” plywood that was calked in with a few screws. When I get paid again I’m going to replace my toilet. I have some bad pipes I was going to replace too, from the shower. Considering I have to redo the plumbing from the toilet it all ties together to the main line that goes to the city waste water figured I’d just make a day of it and do it all Anonymous 06/03/24 (Mon) 15:50:22   No. 2398 >>2394 i'll excuse...
Harassment The "Abuse of sexual abuse" lecture scandal On the evening of November 6, 1993, shortly before the Kentler was set to lecture on the "Abuse of Sexual Abuse" at the Protestant Technical School for Social and Special Education in Hanover, he was on his way to the toilet when a young man - according to his retrospective account - jumped up to him with the words: "You pig, you sow, you child molester!!!"
._ ( German, Russian ) sanoth ( Swedish ) iaftabalam ( Hindi ) frumble ( German ) juanda-097 ( Spanish ) icetritlo ( Icelandic ) retrograde ( Russian ) tedliou ( Chinese Traditional ) KcKcZi ( Chinese Simplified ) acitmaster ( Thai ) Etinew ( Hebrew ) xsml ( Chinese Simplified ) samijuhanilii ( Finnish ) Anunnakey ( Macedonian ) erikkemp ( Dutch ) renatolond ( Portuguese, Brazilian ) muun ( Chinese Simplified ) yunitex ( Irish ) kongk ( Norwegian Nynorsk ) erikstl ( Esperanto ) twpenguin ( Chinese...
Why don't you tell tourists that the CVS 2 miles from the White House has framed photos of toilet paper because crime is so high in your capital city? Why don’t you tell people that even members of Congress get carjacked at gunpoint ?
Artist / Keyword Cloud Generated: 23th February 2025 0hb0y 0laffson 1novavon 24up 404nutfound 500mhz 55level 6ironknight 7777zahar 7footsniper 7oxytron 8bitprotogen 8multipledby8is 92ndletter 92staticsc 9air aaron abanob abigailds ablaise ablativeshield abluedeer abublackda acadus accelo acceptance acidapluvia acidic acinothecheetah acky adalbertus adayasilverclaw adhira adira admborkbork adog adonis adoptplanet aeanohr aeolus aeralionheart aeris aeromerrcury aerosaur afenchurch africa african after...
WebRip 720p raw [ Страницы: 1 , 2 , 3 ] 27 | 5 9.65 GB ElSwanko 40 3224 12 Янв 2025 15:34:01 ElSwanko DL: Ore dake Level Up na Ken: Arise from the Shadow | Solo Leveling: Arise from the Shadow | Поднятие уровня в одиночку 2: Восстаньте из тени [2025, TV, 2 из 12] WEBRip 720 raw 39 | 2 1.37 GB Maxu6a 8 865 12 Янв 2025 15:15:09 Viliuis DL: Akuyaku Reijou Tensei Ojisan | From Bureaucrat to Villainess | Перерождение мужчины средних лет в дочь дворянина [2025, TV, 1 из 12] WEB-DL 720p raw 28 | 0 502 MB...
. >> Anonymous 2021-08-08 (Sun) 03:25:42   No. 128515 File: 1628393142034.jpg ( 130.99 KB , 1597x1202 , 2c9.jpg ) Imagine; you walk in and Andy Sixx is about to take a gigantic shit right in your girlfriends' vagina, using her as a human toilet. He turns to you for a moment, smiles, winks, gives a grunt, and a foot long corn loaf slidds right inside her pussy effortlessly.
As Reich and Lowen have shown various forms of compulsive and obsessive neuroses can be traced back to the punishments used in toilet training. As Neill observed: "When the mother says naughty or dirty or even tut tut , the element of right and wrong arises. The question becomes a moral one -- when it should remain a physical one."