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To begin, download the Tor Browser from the official Tor Project website . The software is available for various operating systems, including Windows, macOS, and Linux.
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Tips for using Tor Browser Use Tor Browser. Tor does not protect all of your computer's Internet traffic when you run it. Tor only protects your applications that are properly configured to send their Internet traffic through Tor.
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If that doesn't work, contact my ISP/hoster to disconnect this server, thanks. Please add your onion site in Tor, here. This is for adding Tor sites. URL the Tor address: Title: Description or what ever (limit to like 500 characters) Updates each few days (but the form can add instantly new links).
To download and set up the Tor browser, users should visit the official Tor Project website. It is crucial to avoid downloading from third-party sources, as this may expose users to security risks or malicious software.
You don't need to run a VPN in conjunction with Tor in a country that doesn't care whether you use VPNs or Tor generally. Consider the following: Tor traffic can be identified by network operators, ISPs etc.
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Consider typing in a different way than usually to defend against stylometry. Is Tor on mobile devices safe? Depends on your threat model and what you are doing. If anonimity is a must then no. The main problem is Android and IOS that are collecting data on you, not the tor browser itself.
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It is recommended to use Tor Browser to access SecureDrop: Learn how to install it , or ignore this warning to continue. × It is recommended you use the desktop version of Tor Browser to access SecureDrop, as Orfox does not provide the same level of security and anonymity as the desktop version.