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Retrieved Aug 13, 2020 . 9 articles hidden Davenport, Corbin (January 03, 2020). “ This guy made a USB kill switch for his laptop for $20, and you can make one too “. PC Gamer. Retrieved Aug 13, 2020 . “ 笔记本防盗帮助抹去信息的USB数据线,神器还是鸡肋? ” [The USB data cable that helps to erase information when the laptop is anti-theft, is it an artifact or a tasteless?].
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とちゃき 07/20/2019 (Sat) 11:06:35 [Preview] No. 154301 del 公園? とちゃき 07/20/2019 (Sat) 14:45:45 [Preview] No. 154321 del そういう公園は観地外れで見る とちゃき 07/20/2019 (Sat) 15:02:36 [Preview] No. 154323 del 謎の空間を挟んで両隣がお弁当ってのが・・・ オフィス街かな とちゃき 07/21/2019 (Sun) 12:32:24 [Preview] No. 154374 del そこで遊ぶには勇気が必要だ とちゃき 06/06/2024 (Thu) 12:21 [Preview] No. 159843 del Open File ( 251.05 KB 480x640 1226057913083.jpg ) Open File ( 1.18 MB 800x1000 Touhou Youmu and Soga no Tojiko.jpg ) Anonymous 01/04/2020 (Sat) 02:34...
Raro 1y Could it be something like " failure is the mother of success " ? (失败乃成功母) I am no expert, I was curious myself and went down an internet-sleuthing rabbit-hole. Apparently this is a common phrase, but I am not fluent in Mandarin, so cum grano salis. jxramos 1y That sounds like a close cousin for sure.
Nomenclature Names in other regions Language Name Meaning Japanese ゼルダの伝説 スカイウォードソード ( Zeruda no Densetsu: Sukaiwōdo Sōdo ) ( SS ) The Legend of Zelda: Skyward Sword Chinese SI 塞尔达传说 天空剑 ( SS ) Chinese TR 薩爾達傳說 天空劍 ( SS ) German The Legend of Zelda: Skyward Sword ( SS ) The Legend of Zelda: Skyward Sword Korean 젤다의 전설 스카이워드 소드 ( Jeldaui Jeonseol: Seukaiwodo Sodo ) ( SS ) This table was generated using translation pages .
247番目 名前: 一言:妖X伝説のプライベートな未公開画像や動画が欲しいです。拙者は「怪」しい者ではござらぬ。 248番目 名前: 一言:3100人目のお客様になってた 249番目 名前: 一言:関◯円にしておきなさい 250番目 名前:コナン 一言:俺は3103人目だぞ?妙だな… 251番目 名前: 一言:推しの子ってそんなアニメだっけ? 252番目 名前: 一言:「昆布くんです。昆布大好き。」←キチガイ 253番目 名前: 一言:望月衣塑子3Pは関西◯◯の何番ですか 254番目 名前: 一言: > > 253 わかりません。
사실 건국설화부터 근친이 나온다! 신화서인 고지키(古事記)(712)에는 19대 인교 천황(允恭天皇,376?~453)의 아들 기나시노가루노미코(木梨軽王) 태자와 그의 친여동생 가루노오이라쓰메(軽大郞女) 왕녀가 근친상간을 저지르다가 발각 후 동반 자살하는 내용이 주고받은 와카(和歌)와 함께 기록되어 있다. 게다가 상당한 스캔들인 이 사건이 ‘소토오리히메(衣通姬) 전설'로 칭해지며 슬픈 사랑 이야기 중 하나로 구전되어 왔다.
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