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If all I know is their gender, I don't know who they are. But it turns out that if I know these three things about a person, I could probably deduce their identity !
I am Cheese. Dragon. Proto. Even a fox. Behind any profiles I specified. On any other platform I can confirm to you. In other words, when in doubt, check here or with me.
I understand. I understand. I understand.
I do not think that I get anyone I don't think that I get anyone. Some kid showed an edit (is that what they call it?) of the French people protesting/rioting against their president with a quote comparing him to one of their kings (I don't remember which) because he apparently did something bad??
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Tags Ask a Question Forum Rules Ask a Question Information about drugs syntetize (MDMA, METHAMPHETAMINE, ANALOGS) 0 votes asked Aug 27 in Drugs by guideme In simple words, Im chemistry student in my free time and I wanted to create a mini professional lab, I wanted to go one level up and experiment by synthesizing famous drug analogs, or die trying.
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A: I’d rather it be left enigmatic; reality is never as satisfying. Q: When’s -insert video release-? A: When I finish it. Sorry to say I’ve no consistent schedule. This is only something I do in my free time. Q: Do you hate everything? A: I would, but the channel name was already taken.
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Right. So I thought: why not abuse your power for good? Protect the denpa from the meanies who denpabuse him. That poop has got to stop. In the name of micromanaging.
Breadcrumb Home first jolla app First Jolla app! Submitted by theyosh on Thu, 08/20/2015 - 22:13 This week I made my first Jolla phone app. I use a Jolla phone for a year now. And it works nicely. The fact that it is running Linux is the reason I bought it.
When running i2pd I included the notransit option. I did this because I don't want my edge to also be relaying other people's traffic (it impacts some of my monitoring).
#newarkairport @CityofNewarkNJ pic.twitter.com/leFuhpKGfy — CJS3LL3RS (@CJS3LL3RS) May 23, 2022 I don’t even think I can be accused by the Jew ADL themselves of being a virulent skin-hater for stating the obvious here: the United Airlines worker did nothing wrong.
I can add on that now i’m not too sure i made the right choice because i have MANY aspects of the cs degree i am not enjoying. Being part of the math faculty meant being forced to learn abstract pure math concepts that i do not see myself ever applying outside of, or after university.
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I have zero regrets on my decision, and I couldn't be happier. When I finally spoke to them again, nothing had changed on their end; but they noted that I had changed.
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