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On many occasions, I’ve told Baby Duck that I, and my ex-wife AKA the bitch, went to the nudest resort in Oklahoma, of all places, back in the day. There we met some amazing people and became, for my part, good friends with them over the years.
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Its seven gates — representing the seven heavens in Islam — welcome visitors from across the archipelago and the world into the mosque's lofty interior. But they don't just see the light here.
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Mixæl S. Laufer – Sep 19, 2016 WHEREAS The pharmaceutical industry continues to put profits above human life, and WHEREAS Autoinjectors and epinephrine are technology which belongs to the world, and WHEREAS EpiPens save lives every day, but only for those who can afford them, and SINCE The Four Thieves Vinegar Collective is dedicated… July 12, 2022 Four Thieves on Coffee With Comrades (2022) July 7, 2022 Four Thieves on Sick and Wrong May 8, 2022 Four...
As he tries to make sense of this prophecy, he starts to unravel a series of complex and interconnected events that involve time travel, parallel universes, and mental health. 6 – Perfect Blue (1997) “Perfect Blue” is a unique psychological thriller film. The film tells the story of a famous young singer and actress named Mima Kirigoe, who is stalked by an obsessive fan after she decides to leave her successful girl group to pursue a career as an actress.
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The new board is not only young but also represents the excellence of peace research in Europe. Now we are ready to promote and encourage more activities in the time between the conferences.
O 1º de Maio, celebrado na maior parte dos países, foi marcado por reivindicações e alguma violência nos mais diversos cantos do mundo 1 Manifestantes caminham perto de um carro em chamas durante a tradicional marcha do Dia do Trabalhador, em protesto contra a lei francesa de reforma e por justiça social, em Nantes, França, 1º de maio de 2023 2 Um homem vestido com uma fantasia de Deadpool participa da tradicional marcha trabalhista de 1º de maio, um dia de mobilização contra a nova lei...
Perspectives de lutte suite à l’action du 1er octo­bre : RDV mer­credi 16 octo­bre, 18h30 au 1 bis impasse Lapujade. Publié le 13 octobre Répression - prisons Récit de l'occupation a Jean Jaurès Voici un récit détaillé d’occu­pa­tion de bati­ment de la jour­née du 1er octo­bre et ses réper­cus­sions sur quel­ques jours.
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