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Parlez en autour de vous. En effet, ce documentaire est un outil, en plus d ’ être une archive : il peut être la base de discussions, de réflexions collectives à mener ensemble. > Lire la suite Antifascisme – Extrêmes droites Publié le Décembre 2023 | Nancy (54) Lettre ouverte à Philippe Guillemard et Emmanuel Lacresse Vote nauséabond au parlement, après avoir volé deux ans de vie aux salarié-es, obligé les privé-es d ’ emploi les plus fragiles à bosser 15 heures...
This is because we have an enemy who actively works to undermine, neutralize, & ultimately destroy us. Failure to remain aware of security concerns can mean the difference between victory or defeat, freedom or imprisonment, life or death.
My dad created an encrypted folder with a bunch of critical documents and he had told us the password many times. He 100% wanted us to open it but also wanted to keep it safe from bad guys. https://imgur.com/a/uzCOQPS are screenshots of the setup I have running to crack the file.
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Saturday, May 13, 2006 Time Title Authors Type Room 18:00-19:00 making of the debconf videos and the meetings archive Holger Levsen BoF Parliamentary Tower Sunday, May 14, 2006 Time Title Authors Type Room 11:00-11:45 Welcome Debconf Organizers Welcome Parliamentary Tower 11:55-12:40 FREE BoF Hacklab Room 11:55-12:40 FREE Talk Parliamentary Tower 12:50-13:35 wiki.debian.org BoF Joey Hess BoF Hacklab Room 12:50-13:35 OpenSolaris, Java, and Debian: Can we be friends?
Palestine | 17 décembre 2023 Luttes indépendantistes - impérialisme Marc Rudin, enfant de 68 (archive) Republication d’un tract inédit sur Marc Rudin, militant suisse engagé dans la lutte anticoloniale en Palestine. Suisse | 14 décembre 2023 page précédente | 1 | 2 | 3 | 4 | 5 | 6 | 7 | 8 | 9 | ... | 17 | page suivante Suivre tous les articles "Luttes indépendantistes - impérialisme" Publiez !
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But in places like Venezuela, where bills are weighed in stacks by the kilogram even for small transactions, cash is increasingly impractical, and it’s vulnerable to theft or seizure. And from China to Sweden, governments and companies are driving us toward a cashless world. It’s essential that we explore electronic money that can preserve the peer-to-peer quality of cash for future generations.