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NewsFakes.com is reporting that wokesters throughout the mainstream media have suddenly dropped monkeypox scare stories in order to avoid offending members of the LGBTQ community: It turns out that most of the cases of the virus have been reported by men seeking care at sexual health clinics after having sex with other men and developing symptoms.
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theundercoverman Posts: 1 #29 Created 24.04.2021, read: 22575 times finally a forum that doesn't get in my fucking way and has no shit community (at least not yet). shadow Posts: 139 #30 Created 01.05.2021, read: 22553 times theundercoverman finally a forum that doesn't get in my fucking way and has no shit community (at least not yet). :) Welcome in theundercoverman!
Debian is one of the most democratic and egalitarian software freedom communities in existence today. DebConf, as an annual event, showcases that community and enables it to flourish . DebConf16 was no exception. I encourage anyone who wants to examine first-hand a good model of a functioning Free Software community attend DebConf.
Mini Debian Conference Mini DebConf is a smaller version of Debian Project's developer conference. It is organized by Debian community in a particular region. If you are interested in sponsoring MiniDebConf India 2010, please don't hesitate to contact us . Mini DebConf India 2010 MiniDebConf India 2010 will be held in College of Engineering Pune on August 7th and 8th, 2010!
If you have interest and desire to learn do not hesitate to register and start being part of our community, if you are new we will help you in everything we can. Administration does not bear any responsibility for publications on this forum.
However, users should exercise caution, as discussions can quickly turn unsettling or disturbing due to the absence of community guidelines, oversight, or moderation.1. Tor’s Hidden Answers is a raw, unfiltered, and anonymous platform reminiscent of Reddit.
Inhaltlich ist die "Alt Right" eine Kernschmelze verschiedenster rechter Ideologiefragmente, mit einer starken Verankerung in digitalen Online-Kulturen. Der Hass auf Frauen, die LGBTQIA*-Community und soziale Gerechtigkeit nimmt innerhalb dieses Ideologiepools eine immer zentraler werdende Rolle ein. Und hier kommt Peterson ins Spiel.
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“We are disappointed to take law enforcement action in response to a racially-motivated crime by school-aged children within the city of Coconut Creek,” Police Chief Butch Arenal said in a statement. “This is an extremely rare occurrence in our community, but these are children, and as such, poor judgement can occur.” “It’s concerning what’s going on in the school and they don’t really seem to be doing much about it.
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In der Nacht auf den 28.10.2024 wurde ein Gebäude des TÜV Süd in […] 4. November 2024 lesen... Die Verteidigung der Community of squatted Prosfygika aus internationalistischer Perspektive (german below) The defense of the Community of Squatted Prosfygika from an internationalist perspective The 22nd of November In the early morning of 22/11/2022, different […] 2.
Legal issues ¶ A new research [14] was published by The Grid protocol community too. This time it contained many legal references about New Vector LTD and The Matrix.org Foundacion CIC failing to follow different legal issues.