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À propos publier Se connecter Toggle navigation Infos locales Chroniques Analyses Fulgurances A lire ailleurs Boîte à outils Réseau Mutu Proposez un article recherche A lire ailleurs Gilets jaunes Publié le 17 avril 2019 | Mise à jour le 21 avril 2019 Deuxième Assemblée des assemblées : appel de Saint-Nazaire Ces 5, 6 et 7 avril se tenait à Saint-Nazaire la deuxième « Assemblée des assemblées » issue du mouvement des Gilets Jaunes, faisant suite à la première rencontre qui s’était tenue à...
There are a lot of library updates, and some bug fixes. So it is more a maintenance update. But there is just one nasty issue. The auto-updater was disabled in the past releases. We don't know why, but it was :( So to get this new version, you have to download it manually, and update your own version with the new code.
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Recent earth science developments suggest that how we count our planet’s largest land masses is less clear than we learned in school. By Matt Kaplan Leer en español In Botswana’s Election, Diamond Profits Are a Defining Issue The party that has governed the country since 1966 could lose power as the economy struggles from a slump in demand for diamonds, which made Botswana an African success story.
Membership Other Ways to Give Membership FAQ Donate Donate to EFF Shop Other Ways to Give Search form Search Kittens Login Security Computer security and the lack of computer security is a fundamental issue that underpins much of how the Internet does (and doesn't) function. Many of the policy issues that EFF works on are linked to security in deep ways including privacy and anonymity, DRM, censorship, and network neutrality.
Following the example of the community “Land Trusts,” the “Stadtbodenstiftung” wants to buy land in Berlin, or accept it as a donation or inheritance, in order to permanently remove the land from real estate speculation and ensure management oriented toward the common good.
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In terms of America, we find Benjamin Tucker (a leading individualist anarchist) discussing “libertarian solutions” to land use in February, 1897. As we discuss in section G.3, the Individualist Anarchists attacked capitalist (i.e., right-“libertarian”) property rights in land as the “land monopoly” and looked forward to a time when “the libertarian principle to the tenure of land” was actually applied. [ Liberty , no. 350, p. 5] The 1920s...
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Er sei also nicht Teil der „Flut muslimischer Migranten […], die Bundeskanzlerin Angela Merkel in ihrem Land begrüßt hat.“ Dieser Feststellung liegt, laut Blum, ein „umgekehrter Rassismus“ zugrunde.» In logisch äquivalenter Umkehrung der Umkehrung: Wer den rechtsextremen Terroranschlag eines deutschen Neonazis nicht unter Bestätigung dessen eigenen rechtsextremen Duktus’ kontrafaktisch dem ethnisierenden Kollektiv der «Flut muslimischer Migranten» zurechnet, macht sich des «Rassismus»...
[Appel à dons] Depuis 2 ans, une équipe de boulanger.es issue de l’IBM (Internationale des boulanger.ères mobilisé.es a posé des fours et des sacs de farine du côté de Dunkerque... 19/11/2024 Ecologies ZAD du Nichoir (Ardèche) : Venez fêter avec nous cette première victoire La ZAD du Nichoir (Ardèche) vous invite à fêter la victoire de son recours en justice, ainsi qu’a venir nous rejoindre !
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