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The cheapest I've ever seen that I can feel ok recommending is usually $45-50. Maybe you can find a crazy good clearance sale on one, but 99.9% of the "electric toothbrushes" under $30 are cheap ripoffs that are no better than a AA battery powered spin brush, which is also garbage.
Paul was so large at birth that five large birds had to carry him to his parents. When the boy was only a few weeks old, he weighed more than 45 kilograms. As a child, Paul was always hungry. His parents needed 10 cows to supply milk for his meals. Before long, he ate 50 eggs and 10 containers of potatoes every day.
Globally, police seized over 41 million USD in cash and cryptocurrencies, 45 firearms, and 234 kilograms of drugs. The arrest of 150 vendors and buyers largely occurred in the US, the United Kingdom, the Netherlands, Switzerland, Bulgaria, France, Germany, and Italy.
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The written Word of God is referred to as "the Scriptures" or the collection of writings referred to as "the Bible," and this has been the standard of Truth in my life for over 45 years now, and it is the only reason you are reading this article today. This will continue to be my standard for writing in 2025 during Trump 2.0, rather than political or religious teachings and biases.
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Das nur nebenbei. Die Älteren werden sich erinnern. Dieser Film ist fast 45 Minuten lang. Das bedeutet bei 25 Bildern/Sekunde sind es 66854 Bilder, die mit der KI vergrößert wurden. Das benötigte 5 Tage Rechenzeit.
Но, видно, расселение такого количества коммунальных семей не под силу никому. Марк Рейнберг: Когда я вернулся в 45 году из эвакуации, мне было 7 лет. Я увидел нашу роскошную лестницу, которая была в хорошем состоянии. После войны она была несравненно лучше, чем в 60-х годах.
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Pourtant, depuis 2006, l’usine portuaire, qui frôle parfois, selon ses stocks de matières dangereuses, le classement Seveso, est réglementée pour broyer des matières minérales, mais pas pour fabriquer des fertilisants azotés… qui constituent 45 % de sa production. Par cette incohérence, ses rejets en ammoniac, gaz causant une pollution de l’air via des particules très fines, sont passés sous les radars des autorités durant 15 ans.
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