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>he moves P61771 to /spam/ even though it was on topic and meant to expose a disgusting pedophile >he defends hiding that information P62199 >he moves this thread so it isn't visible on the overboard to cover it up Does any more need to be said? Moved from /meta/2203 P68354 Thu 2023-12-14 22:34:45 link reply ITT we collect evidence that fagmin is a pedo. >his first post here has a loli P1 >he has multiple pedo mods, including at least Shoshana, LaCroix, and Yuki, probably koishi too >he...
11 እምብኣርከ ንስኻትኩም እኳ፡ ክፉኣት ክነስኹም፡ ንደቅኹም ጽቡቕ ህያብ ምሃብ ካብ ፈለጥኩም፡ እቲ ኣብ ሰማይ ዘሎ ኣቦኹም ግዳ ንዚልምንዎ ኽንደይ ኣብዚሑ ጽቡቕ ዘይህቦም። 12 እምብኣርሲ ኦሪትን ነብያትን እዚ እዩ እሞ፡ ከምቲ ሰብ ኪገብሩልኩም እትደልይዎ ዘበለ ዂሉ ንስኻትኩምውን ከምኡ ግበሩሎም። 13-14 እታ ናብ ጥፍኣት እትወስድ ደገ ርሕብቲ፡ መገዳውን ገፊሕ እያ፡ እቶም ብእኣ ዚኣትዉ ድማ ብዙሓት እዮም። እታ ናብ ህይወት እትወስድ ደገ ግና ጸባብ፡ መገዳውን ቀጣን እያ፡ እቶም ዚረኽብዋ ኸኣ ሒደት እዮም እሞ፡ በታ ጸባብ ደገ እተዉ። 15 ካብ ነብያት ሓሶት ተጠንቀቑ፡ ብውሽጦም ዚምንጥሉ ተዃሉ ኽነሶምሲ፡ ክዳን ኣባጊዕ ተኸዲኖም እዮም ዚመጹኹም። 16 ብፍሪኦም ከተለልይዎም ኢኹም። ካብ እሾዂዶ ወይኒ ይቕንጠብ፧ ካብ ተዀርባስ በለስ፧ 17 ከምኡኸስ እቲ ጽቡቕ ኦም ጽቡቕ ፍረ ይፈሪ፡ እቲ ኽፉእ ኦም...
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Tropinone A una solución de 25 g de tropina, disuelta en 10 veces su peso de ácido sulfúrico al 20%, se añaden 25 g de una solución al 4% de permanganato potásico en porciones de 2 o 3 g durante 45 min mientras se mantiene la temperatura a 10-12ºC . La adición de permanganato causará calor (mantener la temperatura 10-12 ° C) y la precipitación de dióxido de manganeso.
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Pistols: Colt 1911 (1911-Present): Designed by John Browning, the Colt 1911 served as the standard U.S. military sidearm for over 70 years. Its .45 ACP caliber and reliable design made it a favorite among soldiers and civilians alike. Luger P08 (1900-1945): The Luger P08 was a German semi-automatic pistol used in both World Wars.
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