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“Basically, Playpen must have set their [child pornography] site to [a] default [web server setting], meaning if you typed in the IP address you could see the Playpen site,” Thomas White , a UK-based activist and technologist, explained in an encrypted chat. “Whereas if they set another default like ‘server not found,’ then you could only access Playpen by typing the correct .onion address.”
RFE/RL's North Realities reported that locals had written on local chat groups that safe access was only possible by boat and that " there was nothing left of the village. " One local wrote that people were stranded on the water waiting for help, and described seeing minor damage to homes in neighboring villages.
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そいつらもまとめて半島に帰ってほしい。 469 :玉葱大好き@名無しさん:2020/06/19(金) 18:27:59.11 LINEってWhat’s appとかWe chatのパクリらしいね トーク画面とか瓜二つだし オリジナリティのかけらもない 470 :玉葱大好き@名無しさん:2020/06/19(金) 18:39:21.88 前の俺メモで韓国大嫌いマンが暴れてたな 471 :玉葱大好き@名無しさん:2020/06/19(金) 19:01:42.80 チャットアプリのオリジナリティとは?
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