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Nomenclature Names in Other Regions Language Name Meaning Japanese ゼルダの伝説 大の汽笛 ( Zeruda no Densetsu Daichi no Kiteki ) The Legend of Zelda: Steam Whistle of the Earth Chinese SI 塞尔达传说 大的汽笛 Chinese TR 薩爾達傳說 大汽笛 German The Legend of Zelda: Spirit Tracks Korean 젤다의 전설 대지의 기적 Gallery View Gallery External links Official North American website Official Japanese website E3 2009 Japanese News References ↑ 1.0 1.1 Encyclopedia , Dark Horse Books, pg. 7 ↑...
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h2>Latest reviews ドラゴン 28.11.2024 私たちの国では、匿でビットコインを購入する方法を見つけるのは難しい。 私はあなたを他の人に推薦することができます。 h2>Latest reviews velpsi 26.11.2024 The wallet didn't arrive on time, two days delayed but eventually delivered h2>Latest reviews Frazerino 21.10.2024 Twice fell for scammers before I found the real site, the balance is sometimes a little lower than written but the main thing works h2>Latest reviews Niksons 29.09.2024 Bitcoin is up and I'm coming back to you guys for the money, thanks guys...
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FAILE Falconet Etienne Maurice Falguière Alexandre Falise August Fassin Adolphe Fedi Pio Fehling Ilse Fekete Tamás Fenton Beatrice Ferenczy Béni Fernandes de Sá António Ferrata Ercole Ferru Fèlix Feugère Vincent-Emile Fiaschi Emilio Finelli Carlo Fiori Ernesto de Fischer Carl Leonhard Fischer Franz Marcel Fitzenreiter Wilfried Flaxman John Fleer Fritz Focardi Giovanni Fogelberg Bengt Erland Foggini Giovanni Battista Foley John Henry Fontaine Yvonne de la Fontana Carlo Fonzo Veronica Fourquet Leon Charles...
Gallery View Gallery External Links Nintendo UK Game Boy Advance site Notes ↑ This game was referred to as The Legend of Zelda II in The Legend of Zelda: Skyward Sword — Prima Official Game Guide by Prima Games . [16] However, as this contradicts the name of the game, it is not considered Canon . References ↑ 「ゼルダの伝説 夢をみる島」開発スタッフ鑑 (from Nintendo Official Guide Book – The Legend of Zelda: Link's Awakening pp. 120–124) , GlitterBerri.com, published July 1993/May 4, 2011, retrieved September...
Not only do they have homophone puns (so many homophones) and rhyming puns, but also visual puns like Katamari Damacy 塊魂. rjh29 2y I like words where one kanji is changed to make the meaning opposite (without changing the pronounciation) 演 (great acting performance) -> 迷演 (baffling performance) 国道 (highway) -> 酷道 (road in terrible condition) There are also some horrible ones like 毒女(独女) and 害人(外人) Also 休館日 (museum holiday day) -> 休肝日 ("give your liver a rest day" - i.e. sober day)...
일본 일본 역시 황실 계보도를 자세히 따져보면 근친혼이 많다는 걸 알 수 있다. 사실 건국설화부터 근친이 나온다! 신화서인 고지키(事記)(712)에는 19대 인교 천황(允恭天皇,376?~453)의 아들 기나시노가루노미코(木梨之軽王) 태자와 그의 친여동생 가루노오이라쓰메(軽大郞女) 왕녀가 근친상간을 저지르다가 발각 후 동반 자살하는 내용이 주고받은 와카(和歌)와 함께 기록되어 있다.
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