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Hidden Link Archive
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A prioridade neste momento é pensar nosso movimento, desprendido ( afuera ) da cultura vigente, como um lugar político legítimo de discussão, de construção de nossos valores, de mudança de nossos desejos; começar a construir nossa própria história, que de tão oculta e manipulada que está, a teremos que inventar agora. O equívoco político dos setores maioritários de feministas é a estratégia dos resquícios (o lobby e suas entremesses): a busca das debilidades do sistema, não de nossa...
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As above, I know this site is young, but the potential is huge. I ' ve not seen such a nice UI since the days of Evo and Agora. This however is not much use if it lacks vendors, which of course it does right now. I would maybe re-visit this site in three months unless it seriously takes off and word spreads!
Consultez ma déclaration d’intérêts Tous ses articles Tous ses billets de blogs Tous ses articles Cahiers de doléances : vers une admission aux urgences démocratiques Inégalités « Réparer la fracture démocratique : l’urgence de publier les doléances du grand débat national. » Tel était le titre d’un colloque organisé à l’Assemblée nationale, qui s’est heureusement transformé en agora traversée par une énergie politique et civique. 15 décembre 2024 par Antoine Perraud Réouverture de...
Many people don’t talk about this, even though it affects millions of people’s daily lives Manifestos The GNU Manifesto (1985) - document written by Richard Stallman, outlining the goals and principles of the GNU Project, which aimed to develop a free and open-source operating system The Hacker’s Manifesto (1986) - a declaration expressing the hacker culture’s belief in the freedom of information and opposition to restrictions on computer use The Crypto Anarchist Manifesto (1988) - advocates for the...
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. - 디지털 포렌식 [삭제] 2019-7-2 오후 6:46 15: 근데 저 병신 새끼는 왜 이렇게 메모리에 집착하냐? 지가 딥웹 서버 운영하는 것도 아닐텐데? 페도물 보고 있거나 약 거래 중에 경찰이 온거면 몰라도 평상시에 하드에 있는 페도물이나 약 거래 증거들이 메모리에 아무 이유 없이 올라와 있을리 없는데? 하드 관리나 잘하세요 메모리 신경 쓰지말고. 한국 경찰은 그런 장비 사용할 의지도 이유도 없으니까.
Tout au long de la journée, des prises de paroles, des débats et des échanges avec le public permettront d’évaluer son emprise sur notre pays et ce que celle-ci dit de notre rapport aux multinationales et aux plus riches. 21 octobre 2024 par Les Rendez-Vous de Mediapart « Coconut Head Génération », quand la jeunesse nigériane s'affirme citoyenne Tous les jeudis un groupe d'étudiants de l'université d'Ibadan, la plus ancienne du Nigeria, organise un ciné-club, transformant un petit amphithéâtre en une...
June 5, 2024 +1 Cash App 5/5 No complaints oncash app. June 4, 2024 Good way to cash XMR 5/5 Since Agora shutdown, they picked up and are pretty good. Cash by mail. May 30, 2024 Card was flagged 1/5 Unfortunately the card was flagged and more than 3500$ were lost.
Blink List - Free darknet classify onion.services - Uncensored List of Every Single Live Onion Service Onion Yellow Wiki - OnionYellowWiki contains hundreds of relevant Onion links Hide 'n' Seek - A catalogue with relevant links and community voted ratings. Created by people for the people Agora– A DeepWeb Catalogue - Agora– A DeepWeb Catalogue + Find the best links on the Darknet Hacking Social Media Hackers - Hire The Most Advanced and Trustable Social Media Hackers of...
ChatZilla add-on for the IRC protocol (the Tor Project does not suggest installing browser addons unless you understand the risks) , or a standalone client such as HexChat . Tails comes with Pidgin , which will work for IRC as well. Agora Anonymous - Agorist IRC server plaintext ports: 6667 ANYChat plaintext ports: 6667; ssl: 6697 DeepIRC plaintext ports: 6667 Federation: OnionNet - IRC network comprised of: onionirczesfffux.onion:6667 Juppi IRC - Juppi's IRC server....
ChatZilla add-on for the IRC protocol (the Tor Project does not suggest installing browser addons unless you understand the risks) , or a standalone client such as HexChat . Tails comes with Pidgin , which will work for IRC as well. Agora Anonymous - Agorist IRC server plaintext ports: 6667 ANYChat plaintext ports: 6667; ssl: 6697 DeepIRC __undefined__ plaintext ports: 6667 Federation: OnionNet - IRC network comprised of: onionirczesfffux.onion:6667 Juppi IRC - Juppi's IRC server....
Public Library Reconsiders Support For Anonymous Internet Network Tor 2015 Sep 16 Motherboard 'Dissent,' a New Type of Security Tool, Could Markedly Improve Online Anonymity 2015 Sep 14 Wired Mapping How Tor’s Anonymity Network Spread Around the World 2015 Sep 12 Wired Russia Tried and Failed to Hack the Tor Browser 2015 Sep 11 Motherboard The US Government Pressured a Small Local Library to Turn Off Its Tor Server 2015 Sep 10 Web Host Industry Review IANA Designates .Onion as Special Use Domain to Boost...
Many people don ’ t talk about this, even though it affects millions of people ’ s daily lives Manifestos The GNU Manifesto (1985) - document written by Richard Stallman, outlining the goals and principles of the GNU Project, which aimed to develop a free and open-source operating system The Hacker ' s Manifesto (1986) - a declaration expressing the hacker culture ' s belief in the freedom of information and opposition to restrictions on computer use The Crypto Anarchist Manifesto (1988) - advocates for...
Als die Frauen aus dem öffentlichen Leben entfernt und auf den privaten Bereich beschränkt wurden, öffneten sie Lücken, um neue Kommunen zu schaffen; zum Beispiel, wenn wir die spontanen Treffen rund um die Wäschereien als improvisierte Agora interpretieren. Es gibt immer noch Versuche, die neuen Gemeinschaften zu zerstören: mit Haushaltsgeräten und bürgerlichen Verboten, Wäsche zum Trocknen „auf der Straße oder im öffentlichen Raum“ aufzuhängen.