Spells Spell Pict Base cost Range: Duration Damage Items with similar effect Chance Acid Ball / Rain Of Sorrow (A) 35 M{2, W/8} M{3, L/4 + 2}d9 + L + P 40 Acid Bolt (A,C) 15 W/4 + L/4 + 2 M{4, (L + P)/3}d8 + R* wand of acid 40 Bless (C) 8 1: 1dW + 2*(M + P) to undead: 4d4 + W + P potion of holy water 40 Burning Hands / Baptism of Fire (A,C) 8 1 m{15, L}d3 + L + P torch, everburning torch 100 Calm Monster (A,C) 8 1 100 Create Item / Divine Favor (A,C) 250...