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There are forks, or copies and modifications of the code, like AfriLeaks, that host more instances of GlobaLeaks for other news organizations. Limitations While easier than Secure Drop, GlobaLeaks still requires a developer and hosting your own infrastructure, making it less likely to be understood or used by the general public or individuals who do not have developer specialty knowledge.
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» , sur le site de la NAMBLA, 2003. ↑ Anonyme, « NAMBLA: The Good News About Man/Boy Love » , sur le site de la NAMBLA, 1999. ↑ Les fichiers liés à la méta-analyse de Rind sur le site de l' Ipce . ↑ Pat Califa, « The Aftermath of the Great Kiddy-Porn Panic of '77 », dans The Culture of Radical Sex , 1994. ↑ « Religious Right Uses Sex Abuse Scandal to Further its Anti-Gay Agenda » , sur le site Right Wing Watch Online, 2002. ↑ Le compte-rendu du procès sur le site de la CNN. ↑ La source ↑...
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Long story short, there was a fiber-optic line breakage on 2nd of July that was eliminated in three days. And good news. I bought a new 2TB HDD (Toshiba L200) for a laptop server, now that should be enough, I'm not a hoarder after all. :) 500 gigs was "fine", especially if I'd delete something, but I decided to buy a new one, since that one is already pretty aged (manufactured in 2013).
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İqtisadçılar xəbərdarlıq ediblər ki, Trampın söz verdiyi vergilərin azaldılması dövlət borcunun kəskin artımına səbəb ola bilər. Üstəlik, Tramp müdafiə naziri vəzifəsinə "Fox News" telekanalının siyasi şərhçisi, İraq və Əfqanıstan müharibələri veteranı, 44 yaşlı Pit Heqset in namizədliyini irəli sürüb. Ətraflı burada oxuyun Noyabr 13, 2024 Moskvada çağırışçılara ölkəni tərk etmək yasaqlanıb Rusiyalı çağırışçılar hərbi xidmətə yola düşməzdən əvvəl yerli çağırış məntəqəsində.
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We hope the world will recover from this situation soon. :sunrise: Good news, we have some goodies for CodiMD including: - [Support Prometheus metrics](https://hackmd.io/@codimd/v2_1_0#Support-Prometheus-metrics) - [Cut docker image size by 57%](https://hackmd.io/@codimd/v2_1_0#Cut-docker-image-size-by-57) - [Drop Node 8 Support](https://hackmd.io/@codimd/v2_1_0#Drop-Node-8-Support) [Check out the complete release note][v2_1_0].
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I know you know people who commit credit card fraud because you hear about them all the time… You hear about them all the time because they’re on the news, getting charged with fraud, and going to jail. It’s not like it’s not impossible. Obviously it is, people are doing it! The problem is those idiots don’t know how to fully get away with it.