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Simply install the python3 and python3-pip packages, and then run the following command: $ pip3 install takoshell tako can then be started by running tako from the terminal. 2) Plugins tako also supports plugins. There are a small number of "official" plugins available from the git repository at git://hz.mit.edu/tako-plugins.git .
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July 29, 2018: DebConf18 starts today in Hsinchu DebConf18, the 19th annual Debian Conference, is taking place in Hsinchu, Taiwan from July 29th to August 5th, 2018. Debian contributors from all over the world have come together at National Chiao Tung University, Microelectronics and Information Research Center (NCTU MIRC) during the preceding week for DebCamp (focused on individual ...
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Important Information About Ketamine: Source: Ketamine primarily comes from diverted prescription supplies, with veterinary clinics often targeted for theft. Additionally, significant quantities of illicit ketamine enter the U.S. from Mexico.