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in  r/explainlikeimfive •  13d ago I grew up in Iowa, a state in America with a lot of Norwegian and Swedish ancestry. I thought it was sort of interesting how certain surnames got changed by immigration to America. Certain families kept kept the -sen spelling of their name, while others went with -son.
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Many years ago, Paul Bunyan was born in the northeastern American state of Maine. His mother and father were shocked when they first saw the boy. Paul was so large at birth that five large birds had to carry him to his parents.
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His father’s dream was for Pisanos to follow his footsteps as a subway motorman. But his son planned to travel another path. One morning, while heading to school, a Greek military plane roared overhead. He was afraid and rushed to hide.
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Tindakan pengecut ini ialah penolakan prinsip-prinsip ini dan ini sepatutnya semakin menyatukan kita dalam pertempuran menentang ekstremisme," Irina Bokova, Ketua Pengarah Pertubuhan Pendidikan, Saintifik dan Kebudayaan Pertubuhan Bangsa Bersatu (UNESCO), memberitahu pemberita di Paris tidak lama selepas dua lelaki bersenjata melakukan pembunuhan beramai-ramai itu.
Pour évaluer la menace, des membres du collectif Contrib avaient alors cherché son nom. Un article de Libération publié trois mois après reprend l’ensemble des infos publiées sur Rebellyon, sans lien ni citation, mais avec un gros oubli.
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Cozonac (Walnut and Raisin Easter Bread) Genevieve Ko, Irina Georgescu 127 ratings with an average rating of 4 out of 5 stars 127 1 1/2 hours, plus 2 1/2 hours proofing and cooling Save to Recipe Box Log in or sign up to save this recipe.
„Sajnos az elnök munkabeosztása nem teszi lehetővé, hogy ezt megtegye a temetésen, szeptember 3-án, ezért döntött ma így” – közölte Peszkov. Gorbacsov lánya, Irina Virganszkaja azt mondta, apja búcsúztatása szeptember 3-án lesz a történelmi Szakszervezetek Házában, ahol Nyikita Hruscsov kivételével az összes szovjet vezetőt felravatalozták.
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Journalist Irina Sinyukova describes day-to-day life of Shies Commune: “Women cook and heat up a banya (Russian bath house), wash clothes, chop wood, when men are engaged in more heavy work involving heavy-lifting and so on.
What my mother and grandmother did when I refused to eat was to scream at me or ignore me for the rest of the day. When I was a child I couldn ' t handle that, it made me feel like I was a bad kid, not worthy of love and that if I acted right I would be a good kid again and deserve love.
Firma Rossiyaga elektronik qismlar, xususan mikrosxemalar yetkazib bergan. Ochiq manbalarga ko'ra, "Promcomplektlogistic"ni Oleg Grabilin ismli shaxs boshqaradi. "Promcomplektlogistic" xususiy kompaniyasining qora ro'yxatga kiritilishi dunyo bo'ylab tijoratchilarga saboq va ogohlantirish bo'lsin: sanksiyalangan firma, tashkilot yoki shaxs bilan biznes qilsangiz, o'zingiz ham sanksiya bilan yuzlashasiz", - deyiladi departament bayonotida.