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First, one of the main value propositions for a store of value is in being something that doesn’t change qualitatively (aka immutability). A store of value requires that its qualities stay the same or get better over time. A change that undermines its qualities (e.g. inflation of supply, decreasing of acceptance, change of security) drastically changes the utility of money as a store of value.Protocol changes should not be forced upon users without their consent.
Deeplinks Blog by Cooper Quintin | February 18, 2025 Crimson Memo: Analyzing the Privacy Impact of Xiaohongshu AKA Red Note Early in January 2025 it seemed like TikTok was on the verge of being banned by the U.S. government. In reaction to this imminent ban, several million people in the United States signed up for a different China-based social network known in the U.S. as RedNote, and in China...
In fact, I dream about it from time to time. On many occasions, I’ve told Baby Duck that I, and my ex-wife AKA the bitch, went to the nudest resort in (undisclosed-location), back in the day. There we met some amazing people and became good friends with them over the years.
Silk Road 2 just got shut down and the owner “Defcon”, real name Blake Benthall, got arrested. Some key facts: – Blake Benthall aka Defcon was the operator of SR2 since december 2013, when the SR2’s Dread Pirate Roberts (Not Ross Ulbricht) left SR2. – The FBI found out the physical location of the SR2 server, by yet unknown means, and had police in some other country make a mirror of the SR2 server. – Blake was renting the server using his own name, with his own personal email account. –...
John Cantius: Advancing in the science of the saints Vox Popoli 16 Million and Counting From the Narrow Desert See-more Glasses and passing as Jewish WINTERY KNIGHT Biden-Harris regime sues states that want to remove non-citizens from voting lists OnePeterFive The Bishop of Rome on the Roman Language Gfilotto.com Cleaning Up the Damage and Psyops From the Narrow Desert An unusually chaotic dream sequence Sigma Game Enough with the Retardery Vox Popoli Pixel Artists Wanted From the Narrow Desert Little Miss...
As we advised at the Read More » November 27, 2022 No Comments Uncategorized Backdoor.Win32.Oblivion.01.a / Insecure Transit Password Disclosure From: malvuln <malvuln13 () gmail com>Date: Fri, 18 Nov 2022 23:16:13 -0500 Discovery / credits: Malvuln (John Page aka hyp3rlinx) (c) 2022 Original source: https://malvuln.com/advisory/aef85cf0d521eaa6aade11f95ea07ebe.txt Read More » November 27, 2022 No Comments Appshark Static Taint Analysis Platform To Scan Vulnerabilities In An Android App...
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Venezuelan Bolivar Suffers from Extreme Inflation The choice of Venezuela as the first country for the app launching, the Reserve project CEO Nevin Freeman explained by the rapid depreciation of the national currency. “Many people, including our investors, dissuaded us from running in Venezuela.
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v=J2FiFAuQOK8 akhmatova 2y We lost Julie Cruise earlier in the year, too. It's almost too much. drooopy 2y Al Strobel (aka Mike) also passed away a couple of weeks ago. petodo 2y Don't forget Vangelis few months ago. W-Stool 2y So sorry to hear this. What a legacy of music he left us!
MailCity leaves the choices up to you! If you receive junk email (aka spam) through your MailCity account, simply forward a copy of the message to our abuse department . We will do our best to block future messages from the original sender.
Mozilla receives information about your interaction with Firefox Lockbox, including (1) frequency of editing, viewing, copying, and syncing credentials, (2) whether you are a new or existing Firefox Account user, (3) interactions with Firefox Lockbox menus and icons, (4) length of time the app is in background. AKA tracking literally everything you do on the app. No different than the well-known trackers such as Google and Facebook which Mozilla proudly speaks against.
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Despite many years of strict cannabis prohibition, the USA has seen a marijuana movement in the past 2 years which has allowed for a fascinating growth of chemical and pharmacological data surrounding cannabinoids. 5F-MDMB-PINACA (AKA 5F-ADB, 5-fluoro ADB or 5-fluoro MDMB-PINACA) is part of this steady stream of synthetic cannabinoids with chemical similarities to that of the well-studied AKB48 or APINACA.
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The bullet’s copper plating is there to help minimize lead fouling, and while incapable of expansion a round nose (aka solid point) bullet is still deadly enough to knock Brother Squirrel off of his perch. Aguila’s 2,000-round case is divided among 40 boxes of 50 rounds apiece.
However, some sites use 3D security which comes at a huge cost for these merchants as a lot of people give up on payment for various reasons like not getting their codes. on time due to delays caused by their mobile operator. If your card is VBV aka 3D then unfortunately there is nothing you can do except go back to the seller who bought it from you and hope that they will replace that card.