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Once you buy Paypal Account from me I will provide you with a Cashout manual. There is no Risk, I will not explain how to cashout until you are my customer. You will have no problem to get the money. ... Q: Can you replenish visa debit card?
Once you buy Paypal Account from me I will provide you with a Cashout manual. There is no Risk, I will not explain how to cashout until you are my customer. You will have no problem to get the money. ... Q: Can you replenish visa debit card?
R: Yes, can be replenished. The transfer is sent from legal cards, there will be no questions. ... Q: I would like to buy a product but dont no how star.where I can buy bitcoins and how send yuo? R: You can pay via any currency exchange website online. ...
Do you have a reship policy if it doesn’t make it to me? Yes we will re-ship the package at no cost to you if it does not get to you because we check tracking codes. Can my name be put on any of the cards I order Yes, we can print/emboss your name on the cards if you want.
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Watch out on how you are spending money from this, if you are buying luxury cars in a short time, then the government will sniff your source of income. Stay calm. !!! No price negotiations We don’t respond to negotiations. !!! Pay only with Bitcoin We accept payment only via Bitcoins. !!! No low amounts!
It exists since 2015-03-13. Will it be suddenly closed like many other boards? No, I don't have any plans to close it and I'm not going to suddenly change my mind. Even if there's no any activity for a very long period of time, I won't close it.
Como que a maconha melhora a Epilepsia Refratária A epilepsia refratária é uma doença em que o cérebro tem um descontrole nos neurônios em que o indivíduo tenha diversas descargas descontroladas do cérebro, com isso dependendo de onde a descarga acontece gera movimentos e descontrole no corpo. O CBD quando ingerido por um paciente com essa doença, substitui a anandamina um endocanabinóide que age muito no cérebro. com isso o CBD consegue regular essas descargas...
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23/11/2019 17:12:13 joseg*****@gmail.com ***SCAM*** No response once they recieved payment. 12/11/2019 21:43:08 derrick.********@gmail.com SCAM ALERT- Good communication until they got the payment & then poof, ghosts.
Online, in stores, ATMs, etc. are all valid locations to use the cards. Do I have to hide my identity while using these cards? No, again these are prepaid debit cards that have no owner but you, which is what makes them risk free cards. Am I able to customize my card?
We ship from the EU and from the US, so there will be no import taxes! Product Price Quantity Mac Pro Tower Stainless steel with feet M2 Ultra 24 Core CPU 60 Core GPU 32 Core Neural Engine 128 GB Ram 8TB SSD 3200 USD = 0.03382 ฿ X Mac Pro Tower Stainless steel with feet M2 Ultra 24 Core CPU 76 Core GPU 32 Core Neural Engine 192 GB Ram 8TB SSD 3500 USD = 0.03699 ฿ X Other Apple products All products are the newest models from this year, only limited amounts available.
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